About Dea. Richard

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So far Dea. Richard has created 665 blog entries.


2024-10-24T09:58:37-06:002 April 2009|Tags: , , , , |

In my last Blog, Oh, the Temptation ..., I ended it with the following observation: “In the end, while mumbling below my breath, it all revolves around choice and to my frustration, I do not remember Jesus ever pushing someone through a door, merely pointing out that there were and are many doors on the journey of our lives...”

The Cookie Monster

2024-09-19T19:56:10-06:0012 February 2009|Tags: , , , |

I remember clearly the “One of these things is not like the others” Sesame Street song from the Cookie Monster a little too often since entering into a formal process toward accountable ministry in the United Church of Canada. Of course it is only now, as I have considered this latest blog why that would be ...

How Then Shall We Lead?

2023-12-12T14:53:47-06:0013 November 2008|Tags: , , , , , |

So I am leaving soon, in fact in less than a week. By the time you read this, I will hopefully be a member of a Witnessing Delegation in Israel-Palestine with Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT). I have requested, at the suggestion of CPT, that this Blog and my correspondence with Winnipeg and Tamarack Presbyteries of the United Church of Canada not be released until after the 18th of November.

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