• Feather's Fall

    When worlds collide, what might unfold?

Feather’s Fall2024-02-28T14:56:33-06:00

Feather’s Fall: A Serial Story

A Deacon’s Musing Serial-Story
Feather’s Fall
began in the blog Stories: Funny Things.
As the Serial-Story unfolds, it would be a gift to hear any
feedback, thoughts, feelings and/or challenges that might arise for you.

Stories Thus Far (Left Tabs):
• Introduction;
• Chronological;
John’s Arc;
• Miriam’s Arc; &
• Stephen’s Arc

 1: John (May 5/12)
 2: Miriam (May 31/12)
 3: Stephen (July 6/12)
 4: John (Jan 25/13)
 5: Miriam (Apr 5/13)
 6: Stephen (May 23/13)
 7: John (July 17/13)

 8: Miriam (Sept 14/13)
 9: Stephen (Oct 24/13)
 10: John (Feb 14/15)
 11: Miriam  (June 19/15)
 12: Stephen (Apr 13/18)
13: Interlude #1 (Sept 11/19)

 1: John (May 5/12)
 2: John (Jan 25/13)
 3: John (July 17/13)
 4: John (Feb 14/15)

 1: Miriam (May 31/12)
 2: Miriam (Apr 5/13)
 3: Miriam  (Sept 14/13)
 4: Miriam  (June 19/15)

 1: Stephen (July 6/12)
 2: Stephen (May 23/13)
 3: Stephen (Oct 24/13)
 4: Stephen (Apr 13/18)

1: Interlude #1 (Sept 11/19)

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