Within the finite
chaos whispers
amidst division’s illusion
Beyond the finite
harmony beckons
amidst unity’s reality
Monologue shapes
what I want to hear
into what I see
Dialogue invites
what we might want
into becoming what will be
Upon 3 points
foundations stand
From singular
to dimensional
that which is rigid
in beauty
births Creation’s dance
Seasons dance
from one to another
variations in colours hue
& birds’ songs
model that in diversity
creativity thrives
Good Morning #Winnipeg
Each day begins
sometimes well
others poorly
in shared humanity’s embrace
may we Grace extend
By rote & rite identity interrupted
diversity diminished0
With creativity’s rebellion
pen in hand
cast the tale anew
Perfection’s attainment
not blemishes’ freedom illusion
It is in fulfilment’s embrace
when we claim the gift we are
In fallow
shadowed parched soil
death dormant appears
In day’s longing
warming awakening humus
sleeping seeds birth
8=New Birth
Life paradox unfolds
as fragile & tenacious adventure
As journey’s path shortens
our final sum lies in choices made
In circles & spirals
our page turns
revising stories
discerning learnings anew
ever toward completion
we strive
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Good Morning #Winnipeg
As imperfection’s dirge
overwhelm tempts
In its din
hearken to voice still
whispering Beloved
From kitchen tables to Senate’s floor
how we gather reflects decisions’ course
Voices heard depends on power shared
In Fear’s discord
omens bloom
conspiracies sprout
In Hope’s harmony
choices agency nurtures
prayer potential births
Upon awakening path
spirit flies
slumber to awareness
self-knowing dawns
& compassion’s care
habits’ harm
14=Spiritual Perfection
Assumptions narrate
stereotypes tale tell
Does what we see
mean what we get?
With curiosity’s wonder
may Grace guide
Betwixt nightmares crafted
Love every embrace enters
Amidst horrors perpetuated
Love’s capacity compassion curates
Good Morning #Winnipeg
Intolerance’s mantra ingrained
& dignity trampled
May we solidarity united
diversity defend
As twine binds bale
doubt dreams constrict
fear imagination fastens
In fright’s anxious shade
light promise glimmers
In the sand
lines draw
boundaried binaries
good & bad
right & wrong
As ambiguity arises
may diversity’s lens guide
Sun meets new horizon
shadows & light embrace
In dance’d pause
waiting’s pending potential ponders
purpose’s passage
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can’t do that
never been done
rebellious creative spirit walks
with mischievous smile
possible reveals
On shoulders we stand
spying beyond them
yet not as far
as they who shall follow
May choices now
generations nurture
Good morning #Winnipeg
In isolation’s tale
division dare dance
As Poet story retells
in hands held
alone we are not
23=God With Us
As spring budding branch
blesses playful passing cloud
We together anoint
diversity’s dream
as rainbow hands enfold
As mote’d eye
obscures wonder’s grace
So too judgement
fragments healing invitation
In letting go
liberation invites
In reflection’s time
love hubris humbles
In action’s moment
love compassionate grounds
In life’s unfolding
Love Is
For those
who wield sticks
& who laws craft
power dehumanise tempts
In privilege’s place
mercy compassion invites
27=Mercy Seat
Life eternal whispers
Choices now
bind what shall be
Intention’s focus
tomorrow’s fabric threads
children yet to be
28=Eternal Life
Good Morning #Winnipeg
The world to which we aspire
where diversity’s dignity delights
in this day’s decisions dawns
29=Promised Land
Upon shared path’s purpose
toward aspiration’s goal
how might passion
balance seeking
embrace dedication’s wisdom?
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Universe inhales
Poet, Holy Mystery, Parent or El
Names innumerable countenance alight
In metaphor
as One
we exhale
Wisdom’s revelations
reveal’d in wistful play
meditative prayer
mindful reflection
ever toward awakening
she guides
In narrative mundane
temptation strips everyday awe
With eyes wonder-wide
in our reflection
Connexion’s promise lies
33 = Promise
In child’s journey
guide, mentor & Elder
nurture whom we might be
With gentle & courageous care
may we wisdom offer
34 = Son
Good Morning #Winnipeg
In oppression’s origin
depression’s depth
grief’s gathering
She whisper waits evermore
35 = Hope
In anger’s grip
amidst fear’s shrill
you becomes them
we becomes us
In enemy’s retributive mantra
may mercy temper
36 = Enemy
Language & syntax
paradox walk
With intention to unite
parsed grammar divides
For in trust
does Word community bind
37 = Word
Habits habituate
Temptations torment
Unconscious patterns perplex
Slavery’s shackle
intention’s awakening shatters
38 = Slavery
In laugher’s lilt
amidst play’s pleasure
& creativity’s change
division’s dis-ease
treasure transforms
39 = Disease
Upon jubilation’s cusp
& celebration’s joining
Trials taken
disciplines discerned
proving passed
Wisdom gently dawns
40 = Trials
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Your reflections are most welcome!