Our souls are meant to bloom
amidst seasons generative
& so cherish your blessings
for gardeners we community invite
will nurture our awakening
Inspired by curating those with whom we sow …

Upon life’s canvas
we each bear a palette
that contains splendour
to which we alone are entrusted
So may we audacious be
& the spectacular create
Inspired by never being bound by the lines …

Our reality changes
with each tale we read
The stories in which we invest
reveal not just that which we value
but the worlds to which we reach
Inspired by embracing the gift of learning to change our world …
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The choices we have made
which lead to challenges
we must address
Requires thinking
differently than that
which led to this moment
in which we are
Inspired by thinking differently than we have before …

We’re invited to reorient
to that which sustains
learn to always grow
& practice to be prepared
to welcome the opportunities
that’ll be revealed
Inspired by accepting the sun’s embrace & water’s sustenance …
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The experiences we collect
line our shelves as teachers
reminding us of where we’ve been
what we’ve learned
& that which remains to ken
Inspired by relishing in the learning experience reveals …

Not an external thing
to build or purchase
mine or manufacture
is nurtured within ourselves
the Still point
for which the world longs
Inspired by listening to the calm within our Centre …

Through the mists
that which we spy
though distant may seem
comes into being
with the words we use
& the dreams we nurture
until what might be
Inspired by the dreams we together reality make …
Your reflections are most welcome!