The #MicroPoetry of the blog began as a creative practice in 2012. Using the confines of twitter’s 140 characters, this discipline has been a generative opportunity to use words to poetically muse. Starting in 2017, brief reflections became another way to explore the use of these verses as part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I hope these monthly collections offer you space to be, reflect and consider how your own choices might help you and other #ShineOn.

In fatigue’s lull
endurance holds
In stumbling’s mishap
resilience fortifies
In doubt’s temptation
hold to dream’s vision
as our guiding star Hope
Inspired by perseverance in the life’s inevitable challenges …
Hope is not a fanciful tagline or distraction from life’s difficulties. We journey as living, fallible and mortal beings. It is easy to disparage the blessing that life actually is. We do not walk toward perfection in some science fiction tale, but toward wisdom. In that recognition that we all have access to Hope, it becomes a guiding principle for Now. This guide is an invitation to steward what we have inherited to thrive further for those we shall never know.Hope is not a fanciful tagline or distraction from life’s difficulties. We journey as living, fallible and mortal beings. It is easy to disparage the blessing that life actually is. We do not walk toward perfection in some science fiction tale, but toward wisdom. In that recognition that we all have access to Hope, it becomes a guiding principle for Now. This guide is an invitation to steward what we have inherited to thrive further for those we shall never know.

Journeying through weakness
strength is revealed
knitted into moments
in which we stumble & weep
When we arise from bended knee
agency we claim
Inspired by rising when all seems lost …
Whether as a community or an individual, we struggle in a culture to recognise that not only do we have choices, but agency. Agency is a powerful thing to claim. It reminds us we are not victims, but that our vulnerabilities and hurts, mistakes and erring enable us to advocate for ourselves and others.
People can do things to hurt and diminish us, and they will. We will be hurt, marginalised and oppressed, some more than others. How we respond to the external experience, is a spiritual discipline that leads to either returning an eye for an eye or being present to heal ourselves so hurt is replaced with compassion.

Those scars
which we each bear
speak to challenges
in which we have erred & stumbled
are life’s teaching moments
in which Wisdom is so revealed
Inspired by recognises failures is an essential success companion …
Wisdom’s dawning does not come easily or without struggle. These are truths I have experienced and ones which I think speak to a collective reality we share. Yet for such learning to be integrated into our being, we must be willing to dig into those experiences in which such gems abide. This requires not only reflection but being reflexive. This commitment is to explore the past. After that journey, we must then take action in the world. This is when Wisdom reveals how we might, in turn, nurture healing for all.

In the face of fear
we are called to persist
through oppression’s obstacles
so that all who may not yet rise
are wrapped in liberation’s promise
Inspired by harnessing fear to #BeTheChange …
“Many of us mistake phobia for true fear. Whereas fear is a gift from God to be used for self-preservation, phobia are obstacles strategically placed in society by opposers of positive existence. Through stereotyping, innuendo, false documentation and glorification, they’ll turn your fear switch to a permanent on.” Outkast (1993)
These lyrics have been a central companion of mine since I first heard them in 1993. How we approach and embrace fear is as important as to how we respond to this natural and necessary emotion. When we can differentiate between the gift and the toxic nature of oppression, we can then begin to act to liberate one another.

Roots deeply dive
tenaciously cling to soil rich
or earthen bare
require time’s resilience
& an intention to thrive
in life’s uncertain unfolding
Inspired by planting a harvest for a future unseen …
The metaphor of roots or nesting are often with me. They are companions as I have lived in many different and diverse places in the Canadian context. How we nurture the space we find, cultivate relationships and connexions, and how we tend to one another ultimately seeds community. What the future looks like, with that work we all undertake, may not be for us to see. Yet what we do now, speaks to the kind of soil from which the future shall grow.

Will what I may
yet without You
what We Will
pales to that which We together
can accomplish
As One
that we create
so too shall Our Reality change
Inspired by Our collective Will to the world care …
There are times when stories tell us that by simply imposing our will upon a thing, we can change it. Will is often used in this context of power over, and imposition. This tale carries with it a violence that does not make space for the collective, other than as that which might also be forcibly moulded.
What if ‘will,’ however, were considered a collective commitment of discerning and jointly acting to benefit the social good?
What if rather than imposition, we considered the word nurture? Other than force, invite?

Hold fast to beauty
In the sublime & abstract
it opens eyes to a future
in which art paints a tapestry
where justice embraces
diversity’s palette
Inspired by the future beauty reveals …
Beauty is certainly a tricky word when considered in a consumer reality. In this context, too often things are flattened to simply the value of an aesthetic item or product.
What if beauty’s value were explored through not the value of a dollar, but justice realised?
What if this connexion to the #SocialGood expanded beyond simply a tribal or national identity, but one in which liberation was fostered in as diverse a manner as we can imagine?
What would beauty then mean and look like?

With the gifts & blessings
of which we have been imbued
May we watch for the path
listen for the summons
to so honour well
those who shall follow
Inspired by doing our best with patience & care …
The word ‘imbue’ has a subtlety to it that I find inspiring. I am struck by one definition that describes it as “to dye deeply.”
From my Christian context, I cannot but be inspired when I recognise that all of us are Creator’s Beloved. From this centre, then the blessings and gifts we have been given are deeply dyed into our being. This intrinsic trust leads me to believe we are called to bring these beauties into the world together. As we are imbued, therefore, when we act together, we are invited to begin to deeply dye a future unseen for other Beloved whom we will never know.
Hello My Good Friend, Richard. Thank you so much for checking out my blogs a few times lately. You make me feel good inside when you. Good friends are few and far between in this nasty world we live in. A little humour or tries at it are worth the effort. I am learning still, Richard. I love you my Brother Richard.
Friend and Brother James, thank you for this kindness and blessing. I celebrate your creativity and give thanks for the words you share to tell great stories!
Friend and Brother Richard, I say thank you for the kind, warm words of blessing and kindness. I give 5hanks to Heavenly Father for the talents he gave me. I love him with all my mind, might and strength.