The #MicroPoetry of the blog began as a creative practice in 2012. Using the confines of twitter’s 140 characters, this discipline has been a generative opportunity to use words to poetically muse. Starting in 2017, brief reflections became another way to explore the use of these verses as part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I hope these monthly collections offer you space to be, reflect and consider how your own choices might help you and other #ShineOn.

Life’s rhythm unfolds in choices
as we glide & slide
through an orchestra of steps
reminding us that Time’s gift
together we are a Dance Divine
Inspired by losing track of where we are on the floor …
In that elusive space, time fades, and we root ourselves in the present. Textures grow richer, colours more vibrant. Flow emerges alone or with others, during meditation, energy surges, creative acts, or physical routines. In these moments, we meld with our endeavours. Upon ‘resurfacing,’ profound gratitude surfaces, urging us to revisit this realm. Thus, the entrancing cycle of life’s wonder and abundance is unveiled anew.

History is our teacher
where patterns and cycles
point to what might be
Yet it is our imagination
that translates what may be
into what will be
Inspired by how the past points to choices yet to be made …
It is true that history can repeat itself. This acknowledgement is, in itself, a neutral proposition. What is implicit, however, is the role choice makes when we make this teaching explicit. Patterns and choices, when recognised, spark our imagination.
Being able to recognise how we got to where we are is important. But to make sure we do not arrive there again, depending on the context, requires not repetition, but creativity to shape something different from the habits that may have shaped the present.

In milestone’s moments
that which we value
may manifest
in how we so respond
Yet it is in our everyday choices
that our character is truly shaped
Inspired by time unnoticed that shape who we will be …
Certain moments stand out, illuminating our true beliefs and values to others. They act as mirrors, reflecting whether our professed beliefs, do in fact, align with our actions.
However, reaching these often-unexpected moral junctions is the culmination of a lifetime of decisions. These choices span the spectrum from conscious intentions to ingrained habits. The more we cultivate the former, the clearer it becomes the degree to which the latter may or may not align with the values we aim to embody.

Our riches
never meant to be stored
nor hoarded
To squander with abandon
is to fulfil their true intent
& thus help others to recognise their own
Inspired by nurturing the greatest good …
The inner journey often reminds us of a paradox in our consumer-driven world. We’re encouraged to consume and accumulate, yet cautioned to save and safeguard. We uphold individuality, making sharing a vulnerable act we rarely embrace.
As we delve into self-discovery, we revisit ancient spiritual wisdom. We inhabit a wonderfully abundant and interconnected world. Recognising our deep connexion, we realize the need to share our blessings with those who have not experienced such wisdom.

Trace inspiration’s outline
& we’ll weave our way
to passion which future propels
where we walk in a good way
with Creation
& there we Love find
Inspired by jazz’s chorus to guide toward revelation …
To be inspired is to transition from dreaming and imagining to active and generative creation. When the muses ignite our actions, clarity emerges, enabling us to peer through the forest and discern the path forward./p>
When communities collectively discern the possibilities, they embark on the journey of turning dreams into reality. When every voice is welcomed, not only can a future abundant with potential be unveiled, but also the underlying force that unites them, often referred to as Love.

Today arises but once
influenced by what was
& pointing to what imagined may be
the singularity of Now
simply crystallises in one moment
Inspired by embracing this moment which will never occur again …
Embrace the present. Allow phone notifications to fade away, as well as the ticking of the clock. Focus on your breath, feeling your chest rise and fall. Attune to the stillness, allowing the distractions, which often cloud this sacred moment, fade.
Right now, you stand on the cusp of creation. This moment is unique and will influence the future. If we grasp its significance, we can reshape the world through our collective intentional choices. Consider the impact of our individual capabilities on the world’s transformation. What could our shared intentions yield for the future?

We through paradox journey
at times choice abounds
& others we follow
In the continuum’s tension
how might we ensure
that all will liberty have?
Inspired by our choices to live abundantly …
Recognising our agency in our choices is crucial on the path to awakening. Sometimes, the choice is simply to follow, which is not always neutral. Nurturing the arc of justice means questioning, challenging, and advocating to ensure the unfolding liberation for others so that by our journey’s end we are able to embrace our unity. This milestone serves to highlight that we are never separate and We Are One.

Should our attitude shift
from Ego’s illusion
to Faith’s conviction
we may perceive
with compassion’s care
& justice’s clarity
& so Good News sow
Inspired by letting go the distraction of being right …
Attitude, swagger, sway, and strut are often revealed as physical manifestations of confidence. The key inquiry is their origin:
Do they stem from an individual’s ego, tempting us to divide humanity into ‘us’ versus ‘them’? Or do they spring from an awareness of our interconnectedness with something greater than ourselves?
These questions aren’t mere intellectual ponderings; they hold real-world implications for our personal and communal lives. As we contemplate this, one final question beckons us to delve deeper:
Do our beliefs drive us to pass judgment on others or inspire us to extend care to them as we would to ourselves?
I particularly like the one on building the greater good.
Thanks, Steve. My forthcoming rally-cry-like blog hopefully helps imagine that commitment further. We are in fraught times and focusing on the greater good, which ensures all people are safe and free of marginalisation feels, like an important call right now.
I look forward to reading it, Richard. “The greater good” is a message that can’t get out enough in today’s world.
Thanks, Steve. It’s currently being reviewed … here’s the title as a teaser: #IAmWoke: A Rally Cry …
I’m sitting on the edge of my seat in anticipation!
Wait no longer 🙂
Thank you! I saw the notification today but have had a massively busy day and want to read it with fresh eyes. Look forward to being rallied in the morning. 🙂
Oh my … hope it meets that bar :). Rest well, my friend
I have no doubt my friend, knowing of your passion for social good. Thanks and you as well.