Advent waiting: It begins in every Now. How long can we stay in that place? Are we willing to simply listen to what may be uncomfortable?

“I want ‘justice!” “No, I want ‘gōngdào!” “I want còir!” Pause … how do we avoid getting stuck @ the word when we want the same thing?

Peace: It is not the outer display that brings about change, it is the inner grounding in which ego sits lightly upon serenity

Embrace wonder as you deeply draw breath. Let it nourish you, embolden you, encourage you. With eyes wide open, be curiosity!

You cannot be Love & Hate @ the same moment. Neither Greed & Selflessness, nor Rage & Serenity. What you can be is which you want to be

Nirvana, Heaven, Zion, Shangra-La. Regardless of external truth, without internalising the intent & being it in action it will never be realised

Sharing one’s truth w/o expectation is the gift of true evangelism. Modelling what you believe is simply one window into a larger reality

If Gratitude is fractured happiness made whole, then Joy is the outward expression of your Being

Advent Waiting: From what do you long to be transformed? Whatever the answer, May you Be the Light that you were born to be!

Darkness pervades & seems to creep incessantly. In the wilderness there is awe & fear. May the Light that shines always illumine the path

A world in which darkness & light dance with intimacy, being overwhelmed is tempting. In the moment, breath deeply drawn brings balance

Love: We await a child born into a world of choice. A child for whom the environment will determine Light or Darkness. How will you respond?

Love is … Hope’s potentiality embraced, Peace being & Joy grounded in gratitude. Love is … compassion offered to all centred in humility

Love is both particular & universal. Love is contextually limitless & boundary free. Love is shuttle’s action woven into the warp of life

Love confronts ego’s illusion of separation from Creation & the Other. Love confounds oppression by illuminating our inherited beauty

Love is birthing potential. Nurtured as discipline, Love poised as revelation. In the moment of singularity, Love reveals All is One

Numbness comes when possibility is seemingly diminished. A discipline of wonder leads to the potential of newness in each moment …

Conspiracies & Stories/Narratives & Myths simply explain Now. Is the Christian task to (de) or construct? Do we to wait to live the Kingdom?

Into darkness we are called. Christian action leaves the light to flicker & illumine the path. Hope emboldens Peace. May you Shine!
Your reflections are most welcome!