Unity of Voice
solidarity’s diversity
In fermenting differences
may all communities
embrace variation
creating anew

Dusk whispers slumber’s call
Moon’s cast settles silently
Yet here & there repose flits
May all who are not safe @ night
find light’s guide

Competition’s veneer
dresses winners & losers
The fittest’s mantra
creates division’s illusion
Creation thrives
in interdependence

Watchers watch
Paranoia isolates
Whispers divide
In a world of fear
freedom’s choice eludes
draw deep breath
& claim your voice

In silence
She holds
In isolation
She listens
In fear
She walks
In separateness’ illusion
The Poet celebrates the poem you are

Planned or not
prepared or not
life unfolds
Regardless of
control’s semblance
surprise abounds
Shall wonder or anxiety
be our guide?

Anger ripples
At injustice, fury threatens
Abuse of the least, ire is born
Anger untethered overwhelms
Anger harnessed emboldens

Ambiguous words
dwindle dignity
Ideological syllables
diminish diversity
As all long to be valued
may we cherish all who long

To the persecuted
Valentinus extended care
Tempted to acquiesce
to his faith he held
May all with hearts full
lend aid to those who suffer

Old & New
Before & After
Then & Now
Upon life’s path
we journey
Each pause
is a healing choice
May our decisions bring
Light into the world

Structures & systems
Processes & procedures
Torts & laws
How they encourage relationships
mirrors communities’ health
& voices’ vibrancy

In the hail of medals
bullets fly
In achievements’ celebration
civil disobedience unfolds
Lest we forget
May voices for dignity
be heard

The din of jubilation
subdues protest’s voice
Eyes turned gleaming gold-ward
see not simmering fires
As justice beckons
let truth be heard

Life’s journey unfolds
Dreams realised
or lost to vagaries’ chance
In doubt & hope
milestones like newborn’s cry
emboldens along the way

Tear poised
upon quivering chin
in loss
it falls
In places of loss
of grief
of suffering
May care’s reply
respond to lament’s walk

The Loom shuttles
The Weave is woven
As She warps us to one another
weft together we are stronger
than when loosely threaded apart

She riddles:
on 4 feet our walk begins
2 @ midday
3 in the eve
Yet her puzzle doesn’t
illumine each
step’s choice
What will yours be?
Your reflections are most welcome!