The #MicroPoetry of the blog began as a creative practice in 2012. Using the confines of twitter’s 140 characters, this discipline has been a generative opportunity to use words to poetically muse. Starting in 2017, brief reflections became another way to explore the use of these verses as part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I hope these monthly collections offer you space to be, reflect and consider how your own choices might help you and other #ShineOn.

Projectile’s force
baton’s fury
whip’s fell
palely shadows
power’s true source
In mind awoken
consciousness blooms
worlds change
peace begins
Inspired by power’s truth …
This recent #MicroPoetry #Verse was influenced by an experience in which someone with whom I have theological sympathies expressed a comfort with the use of force/power to respond to those with whom we may not agree. Though this discussion resonated for me, the use of force/violence did/does not. As such, this is my attempt to muse about that tension …
What is your faith’s relationship with the use of force?

Inside of Self
beyond inner eye
harmony calls
Vitality aliveness hums
Brother Rock chants
Sister Bird sings
To recognise
sight sound relies
Inspired by hearing the unheard …
This A Deacon’s Musing #MicroPoetry #Verse arises from a recent conversation in which someone said, “I hadn’t seen that until I actually listened …” There was a pause as the senses – sight and hearing – seemed to be in tension and then, well it just made sense …
What do you think?

As river brook babbles
As leaves flutter freely
Joy calls in shadow’d times
beckoning appreciation & abundance
to reveal potential promised
Inspired by joy apparent …
In this A Deacon’s Musing #MicroPoetry, I was trying to shape the #Verse to recognise that in the reality of shadows – whether that is fear, anxiety, grief or illness as just a few thoughts I had – there is nonetheless joy present and/or possible. The images of the leaves and brook seemed to capture what that joy might look and sound like.
What occurs to you?

Awakening’s journey
neither straight nor linear
Deconstruct who we’re told we are
discover who we’re meant to be
courageously begins now
Inspired by deconstructing fables …
In this A Deacon’s Musing #Verse I was thinking about stories we are told, tell ourselves and how we internalise and reflect them back to ourselves and one another. As I was thinking about that, the idea of reflection and refraction got me to musing about how we do or do not challenge those self-narratives. This #MicroPoetry attempts to express that …

Without expectation
or benefit
Love selflessly invites us
to support
for one another
so as one
all may rise
Inspired by care Valentine unfolding …
I admit that I was thinking about Valentines … not necessarily the commercialisation of the day, but the intention to celebrate ‘love.’ Often, we have a culturally romantic ideal of the emotion that seems – at times – saccharine? In this #Verse, therefore, I was hoping to connect love as more than an individual expression, but as a thing, an energy, an orientation that binds us all intimately together.

We are each
vessels blessed
intimately formed & blown
shaped as reflection unique
of a Universe infinite in wonder
& diversity unknowable
Inspired by limitless variations in colour …
If you have ever seen glass blown, it is not only an art, but it is a dance with the material. In the imperfections of blown glass there is such unique beauty. In this A Deacon’s Musing #Verse, therefore, I am trying to use that metaphor to talk about each of us in a way that celebrates our part in the Infinite.

Amidst chaotic potential
as fear & possibility frenetically dance
persistent patience inspires strength resilient
to spy promise rallying
Inspired by centre’s calm …
I was thinking about what strength is. I had some of the traditional images, many of them stereotypical and gender specific. As I was playing with that, I found myself exploring strength as it relates to change and times that are chaotic, in which both potential and fear emerge. This A Deacon’s Musing #Verse, therefore, tries play with strength not as brute force, but as flexible and nimble.
What are examples of strength that connect with this musing?

How loud they yell
predicts how high
our knee jerks
In tumult’s uproar
impatience stirs
Yet in resistance
patience guides
ego’s eclipse
Inspired by patience’s wisdom …
Sometimes we yell: politicians, parents, & partners.
Sometimes the timbre and volume of what we speak does not actually say what we want to share.
In this A Deacon’s Musing #Verse, I am trying to explore where patience might offer an alternative in those moments when the blood drains from our brains and too often readies our fists when words fail …
What do you think?
Your reflections are most welcome!