The #MicroPoetry of the blog began as a creative practice in 2012. Using the confines of twitter’s 140 characters, this discipline has been a generative opportunity to use words to poetically muse. Starting in 2017, brief reflections became another way to explore the use of these verses as part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I hope these monthly collections offer you space to be, reflect and consider how your own choices might help you and other #ShineOn.

Whether flare of cordite
or atoms’ splitting
power relative
clearly apparent becomes
when the import of
of our consciousness
awareness dawns
Inspired by the potency of collective dawning diverse consciousness …
We live in a world where we ascribe potency to the power of a bang. And though that is indeed one way to measure might, it seems to me that social change and political movements that have not utilised violence, but the awakening solidarity of people to one another, regardless of the divisions that we imagine separate us, is indeed a more powerful energy than physical force. This #Verse attempts to capture that in this.

Even in season’s cold
in the midst of land
slumber sleeping
The light within
vital & alive
melody threading
will be
Inspired by the embrace of cold’s reminder of warmth’s beckoning …
This A Deacon’s Musing #Verse explores living in a climate in which “polar vortexes” are seemingly more and more common. When the temperature outside hovers below -24 Celsius for weeks, it can be easy to hunker down. But the one thing – in my climate context – that is simply remarkable is the light. In the prairies, even in the cold, the sun shines so brightly, almost lyrically. In this paradox of cold and light, this #MicroPoetry attempts to capture that.

the gentle way
turn not away from fear
rather turn into anxiety
& so discover wisdom waiting
Inspired by the grace of the gentle way …
I have always admired the flow of Judo & its intention to harness energy from the other as a way to both protect and also do no harm. This idea of dancing with fear strikes me as almost poetic and this #MicroPoetry attempts to explore fear as a partner, not an enemy. In that reframe, what might be discovered feels hopeful.

ego & Essence
coils mortal dance
Who we imagine we r
& who Creator knows us to be
reflect imperfectly the former
as we strive to the latter
Inspired by the ever-present journey to release ego’s grip …
There is a consistent challenge inherent in most meditative and spiritual practices about recognizing and attempting to address the tension between the ego and the soul, the construct of who we say we are and what our true essence is. This challenge can take a lifetime to appreciate, need alone resolve. I wonder if this is another one of those learning that is more significant in the journey toward awakening, rather than the destination. This #Verse endeavours to express that spiritual tradition.

Without expectation
or benefit
Love selflessly invites us
to support
for one another
so as one
all may rise
Inspired by care Valentine unfolding …
I admit that I was thinking about Valentines … not necessarily the commercialisation of the day, but the intention to celebrate ‘love.’ Often, we have a culturally romantic ideal of the emotion that seems – at times – saccharine? In this #Verse, therefore, I was hoping to connect love as more than an individual expression, but as a thing, an energy, an orientation that binds us all intimately together.

Be not lulled
by fear
to dreams acquiesce
In imagining
what might be
we sow seeds
to sprout possibility
as yet undreamed
for those yet born
Inspired by dreaming undaunted …
It is amazing the degree to which fear can paralyse, especially in the context of dreaming. This paralysis, in my experience, occurs when we feed fear, rather than harness it. Some might call this, from a spiritual practice vantage, seeing through fear. With such sight, it is possible to pivot and embrace the wisdom fear offers when we dream. This #Verse explores this both/and connexion between fear and dreaming.

Certainty & Fear
companions accompanying
through trials trying
celebrations cheering
in their interplay
experience emerging
sages surfacing
Inspired by contrarian companions who wisdom reveal …
I am always struck how we use language to create either/or options in respect to our emotional responses. I find this is a less than helpful tendency. When we are striving to thrive and move toward wholeness, the poles of our emotions can be helpful experiences upon which to reflect, in order to grow and learn. This #MicroPoetry endeavours to express through this emotional pair: fear & certainty.

Upon storied mantle
images of life’s passage
milestones recorded
display tale
of abundance
& gratitude
in the midst of life’s unfolding
Inspired by memories cherished in the reality of life’s finitude …
I love that romantic image of a fireplace mantle dressed in the images of a life well-spent. Faces of children and partners, friends and memories capture a moment in time. Something to cherish and celebrate. I am also aware that those touchstones occur in the midst of the challenges that is the journey of our lives. This #Verse muses about the reality of abundance and gratitude while recognising that life is not always easy or simple.
Your reflections are most welcome!