The #MicroPoetry of the blog began as a creative practice in 2012. Using the confines of twitter’s 140 characters, this discipline has been a generative opportunity to use words to poetically muse. Starting in 2017, brief reflections became another way to explore the use of these verses as part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I hope these monthly collections offer you space to be, reflect and consider how your own choices might help you and other #ShineOn.

As we tomorrow dream
creativity & generativity
are today’s companions
so that yesterday’s blessings
anoint a future we see not
yet which we begin
Inspired by beginning to shape tomorrow …
Anointing is a sacred act. It marks a liminal moment. It connects the present with both the past and the future. The act reminds us of the very real significance of the choices me make right now regarding that which we create and the stories we choose to tell.
This aspect of the spiritual journey is humbling and inviting. It recognises both the insignificance of a life of complacency and the powerful implication if we choose to be agents who begin to seed tomorrow today.

Far we’ve travelled
from there to this waypoint
our destination ever beckons
learn lessons hard taught & then embark anew
Inspired by knowing how far we’ve travelled & yet to …
The interesting thing about the spiritual journey is the reality that often it is not the goal or destination that propels wonder and learning. It is in the passage of the in-between time where much is revealed to us. Whether that is learnings hard fought or teachers who appear for a moment of a lifetime.
How we trace the journey, whether through milestones or mile markers, we are invited to be present each moment upon the path. To recognise the unexpected and savour the everyday. This is a blessed pursuit that I hope brings us joy.

Upon life’s crest we journey
whether on water placid
or waves turbulent
there ever present
is learning wisdom inviting
& moments to compassion Be
Inspired by the lessons the sea so teaches …
There are many ways in which we learn. Whether through mentors, teacher and elders. Through the seasons and rhythms of life led with intention. Or natures barriers and passages, each of these offer us paths toward awakening and enlightenment.
One of those natural teachers are the waterways we traverse. Whether the creek in the back 40, the lake where a Loon sings, or coursing rivers and bellowing seas, water speaks directly to our very being.
As you consider water as an elder in your own journey, about which lessons are you reminded?

Not the dreaming nor imagining
that ever challenge poses
Creativity is bred in our bones
It’s in deciding to do
that tenaciously reality shapes
Inspired by deciding to act on dreams ever present …
I am always grateful for the younger people in my life. Their creativity is often in conversation with their doing. Whether that’s an emergent idea that finds itself drawn, built or knitted, they are in the constant act of creating.
We all would do well to recall and reclaim this capacity. Without the doing, the acting, dreams that are left unfulfilled too often lead to cynicism and apathy.
As you consider that which is inviting you to create, what is one initial step you will take to begin that act today?

In this moment
as swords ego driven rattle
& relationships are sundered
May we be
Compassion’s hands
Love’s Light
to those hurting
in times anxious
Inspired by the choice to Be peace …
On day of the writing of this Verse, Russia began an illegal and horrendous invasion of Ukraine. I do not know what the future looks like with this rending of the stability that we have all enjoyed since the end of the Second World War.
What I do know is that we have choice and agency in the midst of that which we cannot control. We can let that go and simply be caught up in change’s sometimes turbulent emergence. Or we can be reminded that we can model the calm centre of peace amid a maelstrom in which there is hurt and harm.

As willow bows but does not break
As wind rock’s face slowly fashions
As water land’s contour patiently sculpts
In times turbulent
resilient be
Inspired by harnessing fortitude in the midst of obstacles …
The human capacity to not only endure, but resiliently thrive amid difficulty never fails to inspire. Whether such fortitude is nurtured or a product of nature, it requires, nonetheless, us to make a choice.
This choice, as with any that arises from intention, can lead to not only ‘staying afloat’ in the tempest, but recognising wonder and joy. This may be just one of many paradoxes that are revealed upon the spiritual journey. In caring for ourselves, in challenging times, therefore, it is also possible for us to see beauty. In the act of that recognition, we begin stepping toward a centred calmness during the storm.

Within thy self
deep knowing abides
A trove’d treasure
awaits commitment to unearth
In so revealing
our shared wisdom will inspire
those to follow
Inspired by discovering our shared knowledge …
In our individualised western culture, we often isolate ourselves from one another. This can lead to a perception that knowing oneself is an individual task and that awakening and wisdom are contained only within and by us.
It has been my experience, however, that meaning and wisdom require dialogue, not a monologue. Though we each have inner work to do and explore to live into the blessing we each are, that cannot be done in isolation. Nurturing relationships with others and Creation is central to the Bard’s adage ‘to thine own self be true.’

Into each day happiness be
As joy attention guides
beauty is revealed
in everyday epiphany
As we wonder recognise
Into Creation we are each woven
Inspired by acknowledging that happiness beauty reveals …
In the midst of gratitude and despair, joy is always present. If we are not open to this, we must recommit to never letting the simple act of happiness leave us. This central characteristic to the spiritual journal is key to recognising the awe that beauty reveals. In the place of awe, our sense of self enters the paradox of being both small and interconnected to infinity. In the moment of laughter, smiling, joy opens us to this central truth that all is light and we are a part of the Universe’s illumination.
Your reflections are most welcome!