As we tomorrow dream
creativity & generativity
are today’s companions
so that yesterday’s blessings
anoint a future we see not
yet which we begin
Inspired by beginning to shape tomorrow …

Far we’ve travelled
from there to this waypoint
our destination ever beckons
learn lessons hard taught & then embark anew
Inspired by knowing how far we’ve travelled & yet to …

Upon life’s crest we journey
whether on water placid
or waves turbulent
there ever present
is learning wisdom inviting
& moments to compassion Be
Inspired by the lessons the sea so teaches …
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Not the dreaming nor imagining
that ever challenge poses
Creativity is bred in our bones
It’s in deciding to do
that tenaciously reality shapes
Inspired by deciding to act on dreams ever present …

In this moment
as swords ego driven rattle
& relationships are sundered
May we be
Compassion’s hands
Love’s Light
to those hurting
in times anxious
Inspired by the choice to Be peace …
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As willow bows but does not break
As wind rock’s face slowly fashions
As water land’s contour patiently sculpts
In times turbulent
resilient be
Inspired by harnessing fortitude in the midst of obstacles …

Within thy self
deep knowing abides
A trove’d treasure
awaits commitment to unearth
In so revealing
our shared wisdom will inspire
those to follow
Inspired by discovering our shared knowledge …

Into each day happiness be
As joy attention guides
beauty is revealed
in everyday epiphany
As we wonder recognise
Into Creation we are each woven
Inspired by acknowledging that happiness beauty reveals …
“as swords ego driven rattle”
What a wonderfully terrible way of describing war.
Thanks, Rob. That was a hard line to not only write, but choose to publish.
with gratitude,