Through moments when
mind discordant & heart conflicted
within each of us
Still Point beckons
In this calm we are each bound
Holy Wisdom resides
Inspired by knowing when to let go …

Perfection’s invitation does not
an arrival to completion mean
In our unfolding
through change’s ever-present honing
more fully human we journey
Inspired by committing to the journey toward wholeness …

Toward the sky
amidst robin’s blue
& with cloud’s embrace
we journey toward a Promise
to which all are invited
In community
our healing begins
Inspired by welcoming companions along the way …
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At times our paths diverge
journey requires resilience
amidst Life’s riddles
At times paths reconnect
& as we story share
Solace we are embraced
Inspired by savouring moments when we stories share …

Be not discouraged
when river bends
& destination obscured becomes
Trust in discipline committed
& practice that’s honed
voyage upon which we set
Inspired by trusting that around the bend our destination lies …
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Life’s richness isn’t
revealed in linear length
It is in its width
where wisdom is revealed
& in its depth
when compassion dawns
binding us as One
Inspired by engaging in the moment to imagine tomorrow …

Each day of our lives
creates words & syntax
shaping a story
we have agency to tell
As with all tales well read
editing’s refinement essential is
Inspired by the gift to write our tale …

In the maelstrom
where Willy&Nilly
frenetically dance
our agency lies in claiming
the power we have
to control how we respond
to what is happening
Inspired by differentiating that which we can and cannot control …
Your reflections are most welcome!