The #MicroPoetry of the blog began as a creative practice in 2012. Using the confines of twitter’s 140 characters, this discipline has been a generative opportunity to use words to poetically muse. Starting in 2017, brief reflections became another way to explore the use of these verses as part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I hope these monthly collections offer you space to be, reflect and consider how your own choices might help you and other #ShineOn.

Summit’s ascension may daunting seem
look to your
Elders & mentors
lovers & friends
who’ve companioned with you thus far
with you
stalwart stand
Inspired by celebrating our belief in one another …
As we stand on the brink of achieving our goals, there often comes a moment where doubt and insecurity may surface. In these moments, it’s easy to overlook the resilience and tenacity we’ve summoned to transform aspirations into reality.
In this profoundly human experience, let’s reflect on those who have positively influenced our journey to this decisive point. Rarely do we find ourselves on the verge of realising a dream without the encouragement and support of others. As we embark on the ultimate ascent, let’s not forget the supportive circle that has, and continues to generously cradle us.

Look not to soil
others have planted
What we choose to sow
in earth entrusted to us
is those who follow legacy’s
With care seed scatter sacredly
Inspired by striving to bequeath a life-giving legacy …
Envy often lures us into its grip. The saying, “The grass is always greener on the other side,” encapsulates this struggle. When we succumb to envy, we forfeit the opportunity and responsibility to appreciate the beauty in others and discover how we can share our own blessings. While not inherently simple, embracing this practice leads to a profound connexion with those we may never meet but who are reliant on the choices we make today. It challenges us to recognise and reciprocate the gifts arising from our unique circumstances, fostering a richer and more meaningful engagement with the world around us.

Saturated with choices limitless
Whether yesterday today tomorrow
we echo throughout countless lives
we will never know
So wisely we choose
Inspired by knowing time is never wasted …
Each one of us is precious, existing in moments that hold profound meaning and endless possibilities, transcending the time we occupy. It is humbling to awaken to this reality. Embracing the notion that each individual is a sacred spark, every decision made in the present moment sends ripples through our immediate communities and far beyond. Envision the world we could shape if we collectively embrace this incredible teaching. Our actions, imbued with the awareness of our inherent value, have transformative power, reaching beyond the boundaries of our individual lives …

Throughout each of our seasons
Change’s winds ever arrive
reminding us that upon Life’s waters
we must horizon watch
so as to our sails prepare
Inspired by tending well to that which we can …
Change is an enduring aspect of life, a constant companion that requires our attention and contemplation. While acknowledging our lack of control over its arrival and the subsequent effects on ourselves and communities, we can still cultivate practices to adeptly navigate the anticipated challenges. This may involve innovating new tools and approaches or revisiting past wisdom for guidance. Whether embracing new practices or drawing from historical insights, collective preparation enhances our ability to navigate the uncertainties of change successfully. Recognising change as an inevitable force, our collective readiness equips us to face the unknown with resilience and adaptability.

Through trials’ error & missteps’ learning
we are invited to greet
Understanding’s revelation
& Wisdom’s dawning
that we echo the Sacred Accord
Inspired by embracing that problems are teachers …
In a culture that frequently diminishes individuality, we are often reduced to our mistakes or perceived differences, which deviate from what is defined as normal. However, sacred tales offer a contrasting narrative. They emphasize that we are each integral to an enduring quest for completeness. Through our stumbles and the embrace of our uniqueness, we discover profound lessons, collectively converging towards a promise embodied in diversity—a truth we identify as Love. These holy narratives guide us to transcend societal flattening, encouraging us to recognise the inherent blessings in shared journey towards wholeness.

Each barrier we construct
fence raised
wall built
never limit nor deny
overwhelm or silence
that which pervasively endures
in Shadow’s Midst
Inspired by the wisdom of #MayaAngelou …
In this challenging era, fear is escalating, often fueled by tribal instincts and self-interest. We grapple with anxiety, navigating personal and collective trauma. Amidst societal divisions, a persistent Light guides us, sometimes glaring, sometimes faint in turmoil. An Eternal Promise, it resonates with our humanity. Embracing this Touchstone, we recognise the invitation to journey toward Love, finding hope amid chaos. It calls us to recognise our shared struggle to be liberated in our common humanity. In acknowledging the Light within, we may transcend the challenges, fostering a collective spirit that can illuminate even the darkest moments.

For those hurting
confronting systems that silence
policies that oppress
& identity marginalise
what are we doing
to remind them
they are Sacred?
Inspired by the wisdom of #MLK …
It is easy to identify the numerous ways in which we harm each other. The existing systems often create divisions, and the misinterpretation of sacred texts not only fails to liberate us but also inflicts trauma. Consequently, it’s tempting to become desensitised to these human actions and turn a blind eye, even as our souls protest against what goes against the essence of the Universe: we are Its Sacred Shards.
Therefore, when we shed tears next time, let us acknowledge them as a testament to our shared humanity and, in response, reflect critically on how we can address the question, ‘What can we do for others?’

The choices made how we aspire
to be present in the world
vibrates energy with such intention
On this day participate
may we appreciation attune
Inspired by seeking harmony in our collective decisions …
In my experience, what we emit into the Universe draws similar energy—discordant or harmonious, like attracts like. If this holds true collectively, we must acknowledge our profound influence on one another. The impact intensifies when we communally embrace the implications. As many aspire to live peacefully & coexist well, it becomes crucial to consider whether our projections align with this universal intention. Our ability to shape the energy around us underscores the responsibility we bear in contributing to an atmosphere conducive to shared harmony. Should this resonate, what intentions must we conscientiously project so as to nurture our common well-being?
Your reflections are most welcome!