The #MicroPoetry of the blog began as a creative practice in 2012. Using the confines of twitter’s 140 characters, this discipline has been a generative opportunity to use words to poetically muse. Starting in 2017, brief reflections became another way to explore the use of these verses as part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I hope these monthly collections offer you space to be, reflect and consider how your own choices might help you and other #ShineOn.

What we witness
how we remember what was
during what is
so to imagine what will be
is shaped by the thoughts we foster
& the beliefs we nurture
Inspired by admitting experience is filtered by our commitments …
As we walk into new and sometimes unexpected situations, it is important to realise that our experiences are directly shaped by our thoughts and beliefs. The way we think and what we believe influence how we perceive and remember the past, which in turn affects our present experiences and future aspirations. If we take this seriously, then we must examine whether our thoughts and beliefs foster a community that advocates for and defends our shared humanity. This teaching emphasises the power of our convictions in shaping our journey, reminding us to be mindful of what our commitments cultivate, as they have a profound impact on our experiences.

Our embedded embodied linear journey
a companionship between spirit & body
in which we possibility posses
to grow into deeper Universal commune
Inspired by celebrating life’s invitation to grow …
As we consider our intertwined existence, we are invited to begin upon to explore where the physical and spiritual harmoniously coexist. This offers us the potential to evolve and connect on a profound level, because this is an experience that we all share. It transcends the mundane and highlights the beauty of the ordinary. We are further invited, therefore, to discover the depths of our being within the universe. Through this endeavour to find meaning and purpose, we begin to foster a sense of unity and belonging. The journey is not about focusing on arrival, but about the growth and connexion we cultivate along the way.

Discordant narratives swirl
manifesting intolerance
threatening our well-being
& so
mindfulness’ discipline
affords us resilience
in Hope grounded
Inspired by nurturing inner wellness amidst political turbulence …
It is clear that the rampant conflicting stories in our news feeds is causing turmoil. We see in them that the resulting intolerance can jeopardise our well-being. Yet, through the practice of mindfulness, we can claim the depth to remain resilient. This discipline anchors us in hope, allowing us to navigate the turbulence with a grounded sense of purpose and calm. It is in this mindful practice that we discover the power to withstand and grow, fostering a deeper connexion to ourselves and the world around us. By embracing practices of intention, we cultivate inner peace, which enable us to face challenges to sow the common good.

Through Dark Expanse
energy ripples like waves atop water
skips like marbles within a circle
Whatever it touches
within each of us
we Divine find
Inspired by celebrating the Divine Energy within …
In the vastness of existence in the Universe, there is a profound energy that moves through everything, connecting us in ways we often overlook. This energy, which intimately pervades everything, touches every part of our being. It reminds us of the divine essence within, urging us to recognise and embrace the sacred connexions we share. In these moments of reflection, we may find a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us, realising that we are all part of a greater, interconnected whole. This realisation often brings into focus our unity, especially when chaos is ascendant.

In each sequence
linearly unfettered
are opportunities unique
revealing Learning’s choices
that promise to reveal
our TrueSelf
if we bravely share
Inspired by life’s revelation for ongoing growth …
What is the centre, the essence, of the contemplative journey of self-discovery? Each moment presents a distinct chance to grow and learn, urging us to embrace the paths that unfold before us. It’s in these moments of courage and openness that we truly uncover who we are. By sharing our experiences and insights, we not only enrich our own lives but also inspire others to embark on their own journeys. This continuous process of exploration and connexion is what shapes our authentic selves, reminding us that every step taken with bravery and honesty brings us closer to our shared and collective true potential.

As Discord’s voice warps
our sense of belonging
isolating Self from Other
Be emboldened as
Universe’s abundance
dispels detachment
revealing Unity
Inspired by discovering harmony in the discordant …
In those moments when the noise of life seems to separate us from our true selves and from each other, it is essential to remember the vastness of the universe and its inherent generosity. This ancient knowledge can help us overcome feelings of isolation and disconnection. By recognising the boundless nature of existence, there is revealed a deeper sense of unity. It is in this realisation that we discover the strength to bridge the gaps between one another, fostering a sense of togetherness and belonging that transcends the superficial and artificially created divisions we often encounter.

We are singularly called
to foster a Universally
rippling energy field
Love demands of us to be
hands & feet that selflessly
serves one another
Inspired by the privilege to attend to one another …
Though it is tempting to look inward at times, we sometimes need to be reminded of our shared responsibility to cultivate communities in which care is offered to one another without expectation. This teaching speaks to the importance of our actions and the ripple effect they can create. The call to serve others with humility resonates deeply, urging us to embody a way of being with one another that respects our shared dignity. When we realise our actions can contribute to the greater good, we are enabled to celebrate our interconnectedness of our actions and the profound influence we can have on the world.

Some ways of our knowing
by rote learning unfolds
by tales told knowledge is revealed
When experience & teaching meet
our heart Wisdom reveals
Inspired by awakening to the blessing we are …
Knowledge can be acquired through various methods, including study, memorisation, and storytelling. Insight emerges when practical experience and formal instruction come together. This reflection encourages us to appreciate diverse paths to understanding and recognise the value of both structured education and personal experiences. As we integrate this understanding, we are reminded that wisdom is not solely gained through formal study, but also through the narratives we hear and the moments we live. This fosters a deeper appreciation for the journey of learning and the different ways we come to know and understand the world and our relationships with one another.
Your reflections are most welcome!