The #MicroPoetry of the blog began as a creative practice in 2012. Using the confines of twitter’s 140 characters, this discipline has been a generative opportunity to use words to poetically muse. Starting in 2017, brief reflections became another way to explore the use of these verses as part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I hope these monthly collections offer you space to be, reflect and consider how your own choices might help you and other #ShineOn.
Journey into the fog that future obscures
with each step that unfolding beckons
that which might be
clarity reveals contours of what might be
Inspired by following the path the Universe reveals …
I like the image that the further into the future we look, the more obscure it becomes. Harnessing our attention and wisdom to which we have access, from scientific data to oral tradition, I believe we are able to pull back that veil somewhat, learn from what was best in the past, in order to address the hurts and harm caused by that which was not. This intention, I believe, is a noble discipline to which we are all called to bring to bear the many and myriads of gifts we possess.
As sun slips toward tomorrow
& moon arises tonight
the day that was a teacher becomes
filled with wisdom & insight
if we but our attention turn
Inspired by the day that was …
There is always learning to be had. One cannot, as we awaken, but realise the smallness that we are in the context of Creation’s infinitude. Learning occurs in many ways, both formal and informal. It is often in the informal, those places that require reflection, that integration occurs between moments of learning that are either formal or organic. Without a commitment to integration, knowledge simply becomes data and wisdom becomes a fleeting chimera.
Be not tempted by perfection’s lull
Mistakes are what we do
to so find ways to create
That which shines
is born in fire true
& lessons learned
Inspired by mistakes embraced & wisdom so gleaned …
We are an unfolding experiment of refining who we are as a being blessed. This takes works and means we will stumble, make mistakes and possibly hurt ourselves and others. This journey of awakening is ripe with learning from these moments if we let go of judgement of self and others. When that happens we are invited to begin to integrate ourselves into a wider awareness of our interconnectedness with one another and Creation.
Time is a fluid unbounded gift
whose movement invites reflection
as to that which is important
With such focus attained
what shall we so create?
Inspired by recognising what do in time’s precious midst …
Each moment is a gift precious. Each moment is also not a commodity or finite resource. This is a hard tension to reconcile in an agenda-filled society that often seems to frame time through the lens of deficit. Yet what if we saw the ticking clock as an unfolding preciousness that is freed when we note the power of choice?
The ability to choose what we do on this linear path brings clarity to that which is important. Such import, in turn, presents the possibility that we can embrace life’s unfolding as a commitment to create that upon which we focus.
Each day as sun & moon celestial dance
horizon new constantly greets
In the midst of such endless possibility
each experience is a gifted joy
Inspired by welcoming joy amidst endless possibility …
Life is not easy. I am always wary when someone attempts to say so or jolly others out of the challenges in which they may find themselves. That having been said, from the path called the spiritual journey, there is beauty abundant and there is also possibility and blessing. Holding that tension – paradox – is an invitation to explore the disciplines that foster a sense of joy. This work is a gift and constant reminder that helps ground us in a space of gratitude and humility.
Dive deep with that anchor
one that tethers us in turmoil’s midst
conflict’s maelstrom & confusion’s lull
For faith’s fortitude chaos counters
Inspired by faith’s buoy …
Turmoil seems to be a theme lately. I think in the midst of the pandemic’s context, it is clear that many things are fraying and seem untethered from the semblance of stability of that which we might call ‘normal.’ In this context, therefore, it is admittedly not an easy time. This particularity speaks to a general reality in that in such times the clarity of faith, as an anchor or guideline, is revealed. This does not detract from challenges, but it does help remind us that we are not alone.
Breathing out gratitude
awakens soul’s sight
Amid turmoil’s challenge
beauty’s threads are revealed
to intimately bind us all
within life’s weave
Inspired by choosing to gratitude be …
It is not an uncommon touchstone when discussing the spiritual journey to recognise that what we breathe out into the universe is worth considering. We are not simply physical beings akin to a widget or machine. Our intention affects not only what we see but those with whom we interact. Considering, therefore, what it might mean to be gratitude, to exhale that with each breath as prayer-like feels worthy of our consideration.
Upon this journey
we are knowing invited
Two paths tandem travel
On one wisdom with others revealed
the other enlightenment inward bound dawns
Inspired by knowledge explored …
The spiritual journey toward awakening is a long road that often requires commitment and patience. It is not easy, especially in the reality of life’s unexpected challenges that smack us in the head as we try to control, shape and monitor our environment. This tension can fade away, however, as we begin to let go and explore learning and knowledge that invites us to be free from those things that bind and limit us individually and collectively.
Your reflections are most welcome!