The #MicroPoetry of the blog began as a creative practice in 2012. Using the confines of twitter’s 140 characters, this discipline has been a generative opportunity to use words to poetically muse. Starting in 2017, brief reflections became another way to explore the use of these verses as part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I hope these monthly collections offer you space to be, reflect and consider how your own choices might help you and other #ShineOn.

On life’s spiral unfolding
balancing choices
between growth & safety
are ever required
Into this day’s possibility
what path shall we so follow?
Inspired by seeking balance in life’s unfolding …
Growth and safety: their attainment should not be placed in opposition to one another. They are companions on a spectrum that reflect where we find ourselves in the midst of life. Sometimes they may be in tension, other times they complement and, in some instance, can actually be synonyms.
As you consider these two words from your current context, which one do you feel needs to be nurtured as you consider how this day will end well?

We inhale
stars’ particles
infinity’s vestige
not a linear trajectory
We exhale
possibility’s birth
learning’s opportunity
creativity’s emergence
Inspired by noting each breath’s draw & release …
Take a moment …
Lower the lights …
Find a comfortable seat …
Settle in …
Feel your body …
Your feet on the floor …
Hands on your lap …
Now breath …
Listen …
Exhale …
In that in-between moment of in and out, what did you hear Creation whispering?

An intricate balance
of beauty & bareness
tranquility & turbulence
of a mirrored dance
As companions they reveal
wisdom to Its stewards
Inspired by learning from the thorns girding the rose …
Balance is an integral word to any journey, whether that is inward seeking or external exploring. It is easy to be lulled by instant gratification to disregard that this is a key aspect of growth. This is not to imply that we are meant to suffer. Yet it is a reality that in the obstacles we confront, which will be varied and many, we are invited to learn. Wisdom, we must consider, does not bloom on its own and beauty is not recognised without a sense of harmony.
In this path called life, where have you learned in trials to recognise a teaching?
In integrating such leaning, what appreciation do you now possess that was not previously present?

The foundation upon which we build
the manner in which we wisdom seek
is not an internal journey
but one that ever serves
the dignity of Another
Inspired by embracing our call to service …
When you consider what a reward is, what comes to mind?
When you consider the end of this day, what is it that you found most rewarding?
One of the touchstones for a faith journey is a commitment to service. Not to ourselves, but to Others. Perhaps, more succinctly, to the world and Creation. What we offer to our community is a returning of the blessings with which we have been entrusted. They are not ours to hoard, but to share in a manner that ensures that those who follow are able to thrive as we too have.

This day
into which we walk
is woven by the thoughts we project
To affect the change
to which we are Called
our thinking, then, we must transform
Inspired by switching the channel from what Is to what Will Be …
We leave our front door, eyes cast downward.
We walk along sidewalks and boulevards avoiding contact.
We furtively glance at the sound of an approaching noise that jars us.
This is not what we are meant to do.
This is not what we are meant to Be.
Walking into the day, eyes cast skyward, we see a day unfolding, in which our choices directly impact what Is and what might Be. We may choose to try to see nothing, but that choice always mutes one reality. We are surrounded by beauty beckoning us to create wonder and awe.

The appreciative tasks
to recognise humility’s import
wisdom’s liberation
& the Universe’ generativity
In this
our commitment
we gratitude become
Inspired by not just seeing but recognising abundance in the fabric of our being …
Do we look for it?
Are we encouraged to seek it?
What is ‘it’?
In my Christian faith tradition ‘it’ refers to abundance. From this way of seeing the world, through a lens of defending and celebrating expansive dignity, this reality is central to the relationship we are invited to see as central to our very being. This relationship with the Universe is both liberating and challenging. Liberating because it orients us to wonder and care for Creation, and challenging because we too often hear messages of deficit and inadequacy.
If we were to embrace the truth that we are Beloved essence of the Universe, what might we see with new eyes?

As agency acquiesced
paradigms unseen
propaganda insidious
dignity robs
Bravely be
speak truth to falsity
& defend silenced
by narrative distorting
Inspired by never ignoring power’s paradigm …
We are awash in the reality of power. Whether we have it or not, want it or hoard it, critique it or benefit, it is in every time and culture. That reality requires us to think critically about its presence and the manner in which we nurture systems that oppress or liberate. When we fail to ask critical question, the temptation to oppress the Many for the benefit of the few blooms. To accept this simple reality, in which we all live, is one step to fostering systems where All begin to thrive now and live into a vibrant collective future.

Determination to do a thing
meet a goal
harvest possibility’s bloom
begins with perseverance’s will
resilience’s forge
& humility to ever learn
Inspired by the breadth of potential captured in the human will …
Our human will, which is imbued with sparks of the Universe, invites us to never be passive or acquiesce our agency. We are shaped to create and to bring into being what has not been before. This reality, however, does not claim to be an easy aspect of our journey.
To awaken to this truth, requires us to recognise that we will have to labour to fashion new things and endure trials to help possibility flower. Such wisdom dawning is always liberating.
As you claim and harness the Spark within, what will you begin to create on this day of possibility?
Hello.Richard. I am just wondering if I offended you with my last blog today. I just wondered if I created such a delicate subject matter if my readership would go up. I do not understand why I have lost readership on my blog since last year 2021. I believe it is due to covid as to why my readership is low
Hi James,
No offence at all Brother. I am grateful for your writing – I suspect the readership is also fatigue, fwiiw. Keep writing, it’s a gift to us all.
Thank you very much for your reply, Richard hard. I respect your thoughts Brother Richard.
And I you! I pray all is well on this long weekend, Brother James.
Good Monday Morning Brother Richard. I had a wonderful relaxed weekend. I was just keeping my level of rest stable. It was sort of cold and sunny. The sun was fantastic especially on cool.days. I trust you send your family had the best of the Family Weekend.
Hi Brother James,
All is well here. We are refreshing outside of the city, which is always a blessing.
Hello Brother Richard.
I am happy to hear you got out of the city. I love being here in the country it so peaceful. I am still waiting for the call for surgery in the city. I am praying the day comes by Monday Feb. 28
Prayers for that day and healing following
Thank you Brother Richard. Your prayers will full of power from Heavenly, and Jesus Christ. The Holy Ghost will pass things between us the God and Jesus Christ. I love you Brother Richard.
Thank You, Brother Richard. My surgery has been postponed for awhile. Might be a month or more. Hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead.
I am sorry to hear about the postponement. I can only imagine how this must feel, James.
Today all the problems in my life are causing feelings I did not think I would ever feel again. Most of what is going on is by others and why(?) I do not understand. God is with me, Jesus Christ is with me and The Holy Ghost is with me. I can face anything with ease because of my very strong faith I have grown over my life time. I am not giving up as I have learned to handle life. With God all things are possible. I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me. The Holy Ghost helps us learn to do the right things in life. I am getting carried away sorry, Brother Richard