The #MicroPoetry of the blog began as a creative practice in 2012. Using the confines of twitter’s 140 characters, this discipline has been a generative opportunity to use words to poetically muse. Starting in 2017, brief reflections became another way to explore the use of these verses as part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I hope these monthly collections offer you space to be, reflect and consider how your own choices might help you and other #ShineOn.

We journey eternal
sometimes arriving
in life’s moments finite
In the Now we occupy
Wisdom our Soul infuses
so that the Spiral
compassion reveals
Inspired by the soul’s untethered journey …
Our fast-paced lives often make us overlook the fact that we exist beyond the fleeting moments we label as life. In this intricate tapestry of experiences, encompassing both joy and sorrow, our essence transcends the linear timeline from birth to death.
As universal sparks, we embark on a profound journey, engaging in the continuous cycle of experiencing, learning, reflecting, and acting. The depth of our exploration into the inner self defines this expedition. Consider this soul work, which involves a commitment to realising our role as compassionate beings, is to inspire others to awaken to the eternal path that beckons us all.

From others’ suffering
our soul cries compassion
& so always witness
From the world’s hurt
our heart responds with the courage
to be the change
Inspired by recognising bravery that nurtures healing …
One of the bravest acts is to reject the world’s reliance on violence as the way to pursue peace and healing. This logic is not just corrosive but also opposes such reconciling aspirations. True courage isn’t demonstrated through force, but by confronting the suffering we observe and opting for actions that contribute to our collective healing. Whether it involves intervening in violence that marginalises others or empathetically listening to the cries of hurting souls, our courage shines when we stand amidst shadows, holding a light of compassion.

Our nature is moulded
as clay by the Potter
to emanate joy
From within
accord deepens as we share
the Radiance we each bear
& so illumine our way
Inspired by nurturing happiness within …
As we deck ourselves in finery and trinkets, perhaps we should ponder the significance of each adornment. As we fasten one and knot another, what messages do they convey? Do these accessories express something inherent or seek to mask an internal void? In contemplating these questions, could we unveil a truth—perhaps, that genuine happiness and joy first manifest when we earnestly embark on the inward journey?

In the spaces between:
When syntax fails
grammar falters
our soul speaks
Neither with ears do we see
nor eyes hear
In silence understanding dawns
Inspired by practicing the discipline of listening …
We’ve all occupied that sacred space, where profound sharing and vulnerability forge sanctity in chairs and dirt. In such moments, as time slips away, we may find ourselves without words. Embracing this silence is crucial. In a culture immersed in distraction and noise, we tend to drown out emptiness with more clamour. Yet, Wisdom takes a different path. Once we have shared our story, comprehension may dawn if our response is to heed the guidance of Silence, allowing It to take the lead.

We thrive when we awaken
to choosing to nurture
achievements not for oneself
but that elevates our communities
so that we all resilient become
Inspired by committing to collectively achieve …
How might today day draw to a close if we all considered what others required to reach their goals, fulfill aspirations, complete projects, or face challenges? Imagine if we viewed ourselves within the communities of which we’re part—our networks. What if our initial focus, as a new day of possibility unfolds, were on considering what actions we could take to support others and contribute to our collective goals?

Mysteries abide in every moment
& as we recognise them
Wonder surely follows
These two companions inquiries delight
so that Wisdom shall bloom
Inspired by our desire to understand …
How can one resist being captivated by the delicate dance of a snowflake, gently cradled in our hands, unraveling the intricate tapestry of Creation’s boundless creativity? It is a transient and singular beauty, fleeting within the warmth of our palm.
Consider the collective marvel of our ability to create as you read these words on a screen, seamlessly connecting with machines hurtling through the expanse of space. The capacity to recognise mysteries and embrace wonder is inherent within us, accompanied by the artistry to question and uncover new knowledge. Each day extends an invitation to craft a gift—a testament to the timeless wisdom our species shares on this generational journey.

Let go the vestiges that silence
Joy’s proliferation
For the pervasive peace
that is fostered when It ascends
is the reality for which we long
Inspired by Joy’s bubbling liberation …
The privilege to sit with people at the deathbed of a dear companion is sacred space. It is often not easy, requires deep listening and intention to attend to the stories that unfold that sanctify such communion.
It is often in this space when the unexpected happens. Though grief and sorrow are present, frequently one memory or stories starts the bubbling, rolling, invitation that ushers in Joy. Sometimes It is fleeting in its visit, other times It remains a companion until Silence returns to the waiting time. Welcoming Joy is a blessed discipline, echoing through life’s unfolding journey.

Our stumblings are teachers
failings mastery’s iterations
In all our relations
Grace’s wind accompanies
as we sail together upon Life’s waters
Inspired by knowing Grace is afforded to all …
In much of the literature on change, there is a growing recognition that making mistakes is not detrimental. In fact, they are an essential process for learning and progressing from novice to master. This shift is crucial, as failure has often been wrongly linked to our self-perception and how others perceive us.
Linked to this understanding is the reminder from the spiritual journey that Grace is present during these learning and challenging times. If we approach these moments with an intention to grow and learn, it becomes imperative to embrace self-forgiveness and extend such kindness to others. Successfully navigating this path allows us to foster a community that is supportive and nurturing, fostering growth in skill and discipline for everyone involved.
Much to chew on in these reflections. I was drawn to the ones around death, having recently lost a friend rather unexpectedly at almost the same time that two others had serious illnesses, and all three men around the same age, iconic figures in my life. Hence some focus on the brevity and preciousness of life in my own musings lately. Be well, friend Richard!
I am sorry for your loss, my friend. It is never easy to have those tethers broken. I pray there is celebration in the midst of the grief and good-bye saying.
Thank you my friend.
You are welcome. Not an easy time in many ways and listening to our soul is often richly helpful and easy to stop listening in the midst of distractions.
So true. Thank you for the reminder of that.