The #MicroPoetry of the blog began as a creative practice in 2012. Using the confines of twitter’s 140 characters, this discipline has been a generative opportunity to use words to poetically muse. Starting in 2017, brief reflections became another way to explore the use of these verses as part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I hope these monthly collections offer you space to be, reflect and consider how your own choices might help you and other #ShineOn.

At time circumstance demands
others begrudgingly
& sometimes with bird raised
we must resiliently deny
& persevere to oppression deny
Inspired by knowing when to accept & when to resist …
It’s all too simple to become complacent, to don the blinders of indifference and conformity. The pursuit of safety and material possessions can render us passive, but we must resist the urge to accept that which is unacceptable. Deep within, where the divine spark resides, we know when Creation is harmed. In such moments, we must stand united, rise, and not only demand better but collectively say ‘No!’ The suffering of even one of us diminishes us all, for in the neglect of the least among us, we forsake their inherent beauty and, in turn, lessen ourselves. If one does not thrive, all endure the consequences.

Words pile atop 1 another
in their speaking & writing
often senses dull & our intention distract
Yet one act impression imparts when they fail
Inspired by recognising when an act says more than words …
Great orators and hip-hop wordsmiths may inspire, but sometimes, words overwhelm, numbing us amidst the relentless noise of our digital feeds, podcasts, and vinyl. Yet, there are moments when an unplanned, unscripted act renders us speechless—not from a lack of meaning, but because it imparts a profound lesson, a truth, a wisdom that words can only attempt to summarise, and, in turn, never fully capture. These silent teachings, which occur in our choices, can resonate deeper than any soliloquy, reminding us that true wisdom often speaks loudest in the quietest of actions.

invites not to expect when we give
but with abandon
denying quid pro quo
in order that another may thrive
& in so giving lives we transform
Inspired by giving without expectation …
Giving transcends the mere act or the quantity; it’s the underlying intention that truly matters. When we share our lives, resources, and blessings, the critical question is ‘why.’ This act of reflection determines whether we’re nurturing a culture receptive to transformation or merely sustaining a harmful status quo. It’s this status quo that strips some of their dignity, enabling others to flourish at their expense. Until we confront the reasons behind our generosity, we remain trapped in a cycle that hinders our collective emancipation. When we challenge our motives, we begin to break free from these chains and pave the way for our shared liberation.

To nurture a new way to be
one in which we collectively thrive
we must deliberate differently
If we change our thoughts
so too does our world
Inspired by perceiving in new ways to recognise new things …
We often sense when something’s amiss, whether it’s within us, with someone close, or in our surroundings. Yet, recognising dis-ease doesn’t inherently equip us with the knowledge to move from challenge to balance. The journey to change begins by posing novel questions and considering them with a fresh perspective, informed by new learning and insights. This process enables us to address discomfort, guiding us towards a state of balance and well-being. It’s through this transformative lens that we learn to navigate life’s challenges, leading us to an equilibrium in which all might thrive in a dignified way in the diversity of community.

We can plot the path
& check all is clear
confirm that the weather will cooperate
but the moment planning leads to doing
it is faith that guides
Inspired by care Valentine unfolding …
Walking through our neighbourhood on a sunny day, we often find ourselves immersed in the melody of birds and the laughter of children. It can be a moment to experience joy, something which we may seldom allow ourselves to enjoy. We are usually too caught up in planning, preparing, or waiting for the ‘right’ moment. While some of this is necessary, it is not always the serenity of a walkabout we seek. Sometimes it is the rugged cliffs or the solidarity of being an ally. Ultimately, we must trust that we are ready and step into the unknown with faith’s confidence.

In service of our collective shared vision
in which each of us is afforded
the Universe’s promise of dignity
our strength quells fear’s discord
Inspired by visions that dissipate apathy …
Our vision, a steadfast commitment to future casting, beckons our imagination to conjure a time and place where dignity is not just a privilege but a universal right. This is not merely a fanciful pastime; it is profound and courageous act. It requires that we collaboratively confront our fears with a strength of purpose, an act of peeling away the layers that have obscured our passion, dreams, and true selves. This act of resilient strength is bound to the Universe’s arc, where many, slowly and with intention, reclaim what too often has been hoarded by the few.

The Universe awaits the potential
which sacredly resides within each of us
to be unleashed in a cascade of colours
which makes beauty manifest
Inspired by the moment when we harness our potential …
As the oyster embraces life’s irritants, and as the earth compresses coal into radiant gems, so too does beauty lie within each of us, waiting to be revealed. That blazing gift requires us to fully experience life—with its joys and sorrows, its celebrations and grief. Through this journey, we begin to choose, to develop, and to nurture the unique beauty we each possess, offering it to the Universe. We are invited to add our voice to the infinite choir, to sing our unique harmony, and join the multitude in a resounding cry of glory.

Look into a hurt world & ask
does what we believe contribute
to another’s suffering
If so
we must confront
we are meant to one another liberate
Inspired by the bravery to interrogate what we believe …
It’s not the specific belief system—be it a faith, philosophy, ideology, or doctrine—that truly matters in my experience. Rather, it’s how those beliefs empower us to act in the world, towards others, our community, and family. The fundamental question then becomes: does this belief inflict harm? If the answer is yes, we must bravely confront ourselves and each other. This is crucial because harmful systems often perpetuate themselves through exclusionary echo chambers, delaying the arc of justice. When we earnestly question whether our actions cause harm or good, we embark on a vital step towards collective enlightenment.
Your reflections are most welcome!