The #MicroPoetry of the blog began as a creative practice in 2012. Using the confines of twitter’s 140 characters, this discipline has been a generative opportunity to use words to poetically muse. Starting in 2017, brief reflections became another way to explore the use of these verses as part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I hope these monthly collections offer you space to be, reflect and consider how your own choices might help you and other #ShineOn.

There upon future’s horizon
in days we can but imagine
a story unfolds
The arc of that tale
begins in the choices
we make on this distant day Now
Inspired by beginning a story we will never know …
Each tale we read is often parsed into sections, chapters, epilogues and interludes. In the moment of reading we are there in the story and, by the end, have passed through a straight line in time to arrive at the end. The story itself, however, may not have had such linear direction.
With this in mind, what do you think of when you consider that you are creating a plot for a story you will never hear? Need alone how it ends?
What do you do with this insight that what you do now, directly affects that tale yet to be told?

through physic’s prism
energy cascades
stretching from here to there
& in-between
In this undulating wave
what frequency shall we harness?
Inspired by harnessing the energy we are …
We are awash in energy. From sunlight to sound waves, they make up every part of our being and the world in which walk and through which we interact. This reality, if you will, contains a simple and profound truth: #WeAreOne.
Realising this can be daunting and inspiring, anxious-making, and transformative. In all these possible paradoxical responses, the question then must be asked:
What choices shall we now make awakening to the fact that I am you and you are me?

We are each soil
intended to beautifully bloom
& richly radiate
To potential attain
around us we must gather
gardeners generous
& community caring
Inspired by gathering about us those who love …
It’s summer time and things are blooming. Some things planted well and with foresight thrive. Other times, not so much. Even with the best intentions, drought, frost or hail can change a garden from vibrant to desolation.
Our lives are not much different. Who chooses to tend us at a young age, with whom we begin to choose to surround ourselves, directly impacts our own vibrancy.
If you looked at your life to this moment, what do you need around you to be the person who you are meant to be?

Appreciation recognises in others
gifts of excellence
blessings of wisdom
& choices compassionate
In turn we
with gratitude
we aspire to emulate
Inspired by recognising what is excellent in Others …
The concept of appreciation is one central to my own inward and spiritual journey. How gratitude informs our choices is connected to empathy and compassion.
As I was considering this musing, I was struck by the following:
What if the act of appreciation is centred in recognising gifts in others that draw our attention?
What if we, in turn, began to seek wisdom in others so we might aspire to be more?
And if such wisdom draws us, how does such a possible practice serve to humanise the Other?

Embrace inquisitive sprites
that flitter from thought to reflection
In our asking
we awaken to the revelation
of a Universe curiosity-centred
Inspired by embracing questions that foster curiosity …
Curiosity: it pervades our youthful journey. Challenging, critiquing and wondering about everything from parent’s rules to questions of reality, they drive imagination. Sometimes, however, that Divine gift gets lost, subdued, dispelled or crushed.
How we endeavour to keep that gift vibrant in ourselves and one another requires attention. It is both an individual discipline and a collective commitment. If we are able to continue to ensure our inquisitiveness, wonder allows us to see opportunity and beauty in ourselves, one another and Creation each time our eyes open upon a new day.

From our thought spark
that are promise portend filled
the art of translation begins
From neural lights to action incarnate
is how stories begin
Inspired by translating thought to action …
Brilliant ides are truly a marvel. They sometimes take time to nurture. Other times they catch us so unaware, it can shock us with awe. The reality of these gifts, however, is not only to recognise those that have merit, but which ones to pursue. Such pursuit, the act of translating, allows us to bring our ephemeral thought gifts into a tangible reality.

Words fall from the canopy
like leaves littering a forest floor
Their merit only realised when
their utterance & penning
action inspires change
Inspired by words that deeds inspire …
I think of my grandmother’s old wired remote TV controller. It announced itself, just before the TV went on, with a loud click. That which followed was usually a news broadcast with an anchor speaking at us. The world was often framed in deficit and fear. I believe not has much changed since my youthful days, except there are a lot more ways to for words to overwhelm us. Words are good and helpful. The question is what do we do with them to bring action into the world?

Focus not upon our Emperor’s clothes
nor baubles that adorn us
Look deeply into one another
listen for still wisdom
& recognise we are Beloved
Inspired by focusing not on what we have, but who we are …
Whether it’s a mannequin, a well-decorated house, or the wardrobes we wear into each day, external superficial attire often shapes what we see. We focus on the visuals we perceive and make judgements, exclude, and determine who is in and out.
There is another way to see ourselves and each other. It takes more time and commitment. It requires us to first awaken to our own blessedness, in order to recognise that the person to your left or right, are also Beloved.
Your reflections are most welcome!