There upon future’s horizon
in days we can but imagine
a story unfolds
The arc of that tale
begins in the choices
we make on this distant day Now
Inspired by beginning a story we will never know …

through physic’s prism
energy cascades
stretching from here to there
& in-between
In this undulating wave
what frequency shall we harness?
Inspired by harnessing the energy we are …

We are each soil
intended to beautifully bloom
& richly radiate
To potential attain
around us we must gather
gardeners generous
& community caring
Inspired by gathering about us those who love …
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Appreciation recognises in others
gifts of excellence
blessings of wisdom
& choices compassionate
In turn we
with gratitude
we aspire to emulate
Inspired by recognising what is excellent in Others …

Embrace inquisitive sprites
that flitter from thought to reflection
In our asking
we awaken to the revelation
of a Universe curiosity-centred
Inspired by embracing questions that foster curiosity …
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From our thought spark
that are promise portend filled
the art of translation begins
From neural lights to action incarnate
is how stories begin
Inspired by translating thought to action …

Words fall from the canopy
like leaves littering a forest floor
Their merit only realised when
their utterance & penning
action inspires change
Inspired by words that deeds inspire …

Focus not upon our Emperor’s clothes
nor baubles that adorn us
Look deeply into one another
listen for still wisdom
& recognise we are Beloved
Inspired by focusing not on what we have, but who we are …
Most of the time I have no idea what you are talking about. I just enjoy the words. and some inspiration long the way
In turn we
with gratitude
we aspire to emulate
Hi Annette,
I am grateful to know that the word play is enjoyed and sometimes even inspire!
I pray you and yours are well, safe and joyful!