This is a special edition of the June 2022 #MicroPoetry #Verses Collection. I was grateful to be involved in a community that nurtured the new strategic plan for The United Church of Canada. Members of that team were asked to create resources to amplify that work. This collection is one way that I have responded to that call. I hope these musings about Deep Spirituality, Bold Discipleship, and Daring Justice prove of interest in your own spiritual practice.
The #MicroPoetry of the blog began as a creative practice in 2012. Using the confines of twitter’s 140 characters, this discipline has been a generative opportunity to use words to poetically muse. Starting in 2017, brief reflections became another way to explore the use of these verses as part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I hope these monthly collections offer you space to be, reflect and consider how your own choices might help you and other #ShineOn.

Deep Spirituality
directs us into waves’ depths
where we listen amidst life’s currents
In the turbulence of change
we are each Awaken invited
Inspired by stepping into faith’s depths …
The connexion between spirituality explored and the concept of awakening is neither new, nor novel. In our hyper-consumerised culture, however, the gratification of deepening spirituality is often drowned out by competing voices.
Recognising this, especially in the context of the accelerated change in which we find ourselves, is important. The value is on account that spirituality is neither a product to purchase, nor a garment to dawn. The mystics remind us that deep spirituality reveals our shared humanity and, ultimately the interconnexion of all of Creation.

In vulnerability shared
resilience blooms
In one another listening
wisdom dawns
In turning from ego to faith’s humility
Bold Discipleship begins
Inspired by letting the world go to leadership return …
Leadership is an interesting thing upon which to reflect in these changing days. From the vantage of my faith context, we explore this as discipleship. One is both always learning and always modelling ways that support, care, and nurture one another and the world.
In some ways this discipleship is counter to the world’s understanding of someone who directs and dictates as an expert. In this way of being in the world, as a disciple, our stories and hurts, foibles and blessings are constant teachers that invite us to humility as we walk with the Blessing of the Other.
This is Holy work.

Daring Justice
into being
an act so bold
an intention so deep
that simply by beginning
to speak for those whom systems silence
our World so turns
Inspired by recognising oppression & choosing to act …
We are accosted, daily, with images of suffering that seem intended to numb us to the hurt in the world. This incessant messaging, however, is not the story we were lovingly shaped to hear.
We are blessed, as just one part of Creation, to be aware of the beauty and abundance that is life. There are indeed trials and suffering, but our awareness is intended to embrace Love’s ever-present invitation. Whether it is in the bee pollinating life or a neighbour responding instinctively in a moment of need, we are meant to be the hands that reorient the human world. We are invited to do this when things are contrary to this harmony for which we are stewards.

Life’s eddies
as wave chaotic
upon the seaboard oft
dashed we are
Though floundering we may
the buoy in the tempest
arises from Spirituality Deep
Inspired by navigating the unnavigable faithfully …
Faith’s journey does not deny the ambiguous, nor that there are moments, times and phases when clarity is lacking and the path ahead is obscured, at best.
Life is hard, we all know this. This reality is just one aspect of the wonder that pervades every moment.
Wonder often illumines hope in challenging times. This shining beacon is faith’s spark. It is the constant presence that allows us to be buoyed when all seems lost, despondent, and despair is very really.
This spiritual depth is lived out in many ways. One such constant is those moments when laughter’s joy rings out in the process of remembering and celebrating in the midst of grief.

Discipleship Bold
lived out by choices intentional
recognising when ego & faith
conflict confronts
In self-knowing
temptation shed to compassion Be
Inspired by the journey to be hands caring …
Our hands are meant to hold one another: In times of celebration and when we are hurting. Touch is the first sense that helps us, shapes us, reminds us that we are not alone. Our hands, as a metaphor, are the way we extend to one another in community.
As you consider how you might reach out into the world, to hold those are hurting and invite care from others for yourself, what do you need to let go of intentionally to a disciple be?

Be not lulled our agency acquiesce
rise to Spirit’s Call & be Advocate’s Voice
When oppressed cry out
liberation demand
May we be Justice Dared
Inspired by claiming our Voice when silencing threatens …
It can be a hard world out there. There are algorithms and organisations bent on not only disenfranchising, but silencing. This is not a statement of despair it is a rally call to recognise the only way people are, ultimately, silenced, is acquiescing to those who seek to benefit the few at the expense of the many.
As you look out into this day of possibility, where can you speak to ensure dignity for all?

Deep Spirituality
is an invitation to explore the currents
within the ebb & flow of life’s unfolding
our inner work prepares us
to grounded Be
Inspired by preparing to be well moored in a chaotic world …
If you feel inundated by newsfeeds and the constant drone of headlines of despair and woe, know that makes sense. We live in a time and chaos and trauma amplify one another as they are intentionally amplified in a narrative that is fearful, hateful, and violent.
To prepare to be present in this world, requires inner work that is grounded in our spiritual being. We are each Spark’s Divine and grounding ourselves in that central truth is a key path to be able to navigate chaos within the embrace of community.

Bold Discipleship
a Call in twos
a Vocation in community
Together we step into human frailty
seeking to Mend the World
& in Creation balance find
Inspired by recognising the blessing of this work is done with others …
The Disciple’s path is never in isolation and is never alone. Assuredly, there are times when one may be Called singly to a place and time, but the community of support, millennia of tradition and experience, fortify us as we live into a leadership that is intended to embrace mystery and offer healing in a divided world. As we are reminded, this is not easy work and it is a burden light when we rely on the community which loves, supports us and helps us to bear the gift of Light into shadowed times.

Daring Justice
is more than an aspiration
beyond platitude mere
It is a path to the world journey
A choice to the Other embrace
A step to Love Be
Inspired by accepting the act of Justice as a step to make Love manifest …
The word ‘justice’ has come under appropriate scrutiny in these times of change. For some, the word seems have been appropriated to advocate for lessening the dignity of others or a slogan to market things we do not need, need alone we cannot afford.
To reclaim the import of Justice begins with recognising it is an action that is directly bound to Love. Love requires compassionate hands and advocates to be active in the world. When we embrace this intrinsic connexion, as a faith community, we are invited to walk into the world daringly, boldly, and deeply.
Your reflections are most welcome!