The #MicroPoetry of the blog began as a creative practice in 2012. Using the confines of twitter’s 140 characters, this discipline has been a generative opportunity to use words to poetically muse. Starting in 2017, brief reflections became another way to explore the use of these verses as part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I hope these monthly collections offer you space to be, reflect and consider how your own choices might help you and other #ShineOn.

We’ve all been there
overwhelmed by the concrete jungle
imposing inadequacy’s narrative
when 1 appreciative word
rewrites the story
Inspired by offering care in difficult moments …
We are each other’s guardians, intricately woven into the fabric of shared existence. Our lives are not solitary voyages but a collective odyssey, bound by mutual concern and presence. When one soul endures pain, it sends ripples through our interconnexion, illuminating the pervasive tale that aims to suppress our inherent inner light. The divine spark we each carry is resilient, shining through these false veils of isolation. In moments when burdens weigh heavy, an intentional gesture of kindness has the power to dissolve the gloom, welcoming us back into the solidarity and hope of our common humanity.

What is the purpose to which we commit?
Success simply echoes
the joy that soul pervades
when we translate Universe’s call
into that which we do
Inspired by living out the passion within …
Success’s outward signs may not reflect our inner purpose, the one that often awaits us. The adornments of achievement, the ‘made it’ milestones, can leave us feeling wanting, unfulfilled, even hollow. Yet, when our external accomplishments echo the inner gifts we bear, there’s harmony. It’s in this alignment that we find joy, offering it to a world in search of meaning. A meaning that transcends the ephemeral, the consumption of momentary, muted gratification. It’s a joy that speaks to the soul, resonating with a deeper call, inviting us to embrace a life rich with purpose and fulfillment.

When Wisdom and Joy
become our companions
the teachings we receive
become learnings rooting
deep into the soil where
our soul meets the Eternal
Inspired by ancient wisdom that reveals happiness …
Teachings are offered to us in every moment of our lives, whether they come from a trusted friend, a respected elder, the singing of a bird, or the playfulness of a prairie dog. These teachings are always around us, but their presence alone doesn’t mean we understand their significance or learn something new. To truly recognise and receive these teachings, we must approach them with curiosity and humility, being inquisitive and intentional. It is through these commitments that we can appreciate the teachings, whether they are difficult or easy, and find joy bubbling up through the waves of wisdom that they bring.

That which drives us
clarifies the purpose
to which we’re called
It is not the task itself that defines
but it is in our doing that we are known
Inspired by recognising our purpose …
What is the story that ignites your passion for a cause, sparks your creative flame, or drives your pursuit in the art of sport? Discovering this tale connects us to a deep well of resilience, powering our journey to bring dreams and imagination to life. Such achievements are not solely defined by their completion but by the act itself. In doing so, we not only demonstrate our values to ourselves but also model them to the world. We become a living testament to the principles we hold dear, enriching the communities we consider home and inspiring those around us.

On our journey
there’s meaning found
within Colour’s kaleidoscope
that celebrates Light’s diverse spectrum
in which we’re each rainbow reflected
Inspired by Beauty’s embrace of our diversity …
In this month of Pride, we find ourselves amidst a celebration of diversity, a testament to the beauty inherent in our differences. It’s a time for recognition, not just of the joy that diversity brings, but also of its fragility in our world. As we witness the tension between tribalism and the spirit of inclusivity, we’re reminded that our role as allies and advocates is more than a choice—it’s a commitment to nurturing the very essence of what makes us unique. It’s in this commitment that we find the strength to celebrate, to be vigilant, and to give thanks for the rich spectrum of experiences that the rainbow symbolises.

is part of our journey of Spirit
in which each of our moments are enhanced
by Love’s endurance
Grace’s patience
& Gratitude’s abundance
Inspired by the presence of Joy’s wisdom …
Happiness, though often sought externally, is attained within. It’s not bought or bartered, but blooms from living each moment with purpose and presence. This inner commitment to intentional living fosters a sense of gratitude, from which love naturally flows. As we nurture this inner grounding, our actions become an extension of our inner peace, touching the lives of those in our communities. We become living testaments to the joy that arises from within, sharing this revelation as a healing practice. In this way, happiness becomes a shared journey, a communal quest towards a collective harmonious existence.

The wind
carves & soothes stone into art’s tapestries
perform a symphony of variating colour
In life’s cycle
we can but change ourselves
Inspired by recognising what we can & cannot control …
It is not a task that falls to us alone. It does not call for us to isolate ourselves from one another. On the contrary, it is among the most communal exercises we can engage in together. The inner journey leading to transformation must take place within the intimacy of trusted companionship. Here, we celebrate the blessings we each carry and sensitively assist one another in deconstructing the habits and patterns that separate us from Creation. This work is holy and sacred, serving ultimately to remind us of the fleeting gift we hold in the present moment.

Whether with whispering words
balanced bristles
musical movement
or thankful thought
we each art create
When we collectively fashion
beauty dawns
Inspired by expressive art’s revelations …
Though we may gradually forget the precious gift we possess to infuse life’s canvas with wonder, the truth persists that each of us is an artist, a being meant to co-create. Whether by chance, oversight, or intention, this age-old wisdom never deserts us. Even as the habits and routines of our digitally distracted lives may veil our innate talents, this wisdom quietly awaits our reawakening. Such enlightenment emerges when we, as a community, become attuned with newfound senses, and the Universe beckons us to contribute to the beauty that saturates our daily existence.
Your reflections are most welcome!