As wind blows and snow flies in the ‘peg, take a moment, close your eyes and listen for the Holy’s ever-present whisper on this Lenten day

From wind-blown snow to Prairie Blue Sun-filled skies! Where have you seen an unexpected gift today

Take a moment today in the ‘peg, close your eyes, face to the sun, take a deep breath & open yourself to the possibility of Holy Mystery

May each choice you make today be an active prayer of compassion!

Is today that day? You know the one where you finally take that deep breath & walk through that door that’s been ajar & beckoning …

No matter what you hear in the media – you are a gift of God! Name it! Claim it! Live it

Maybe it’s not us vs them/for us vs against us/right or wrong. Maybe it’s what’s the best informed choice, instead of unspoken assumptions?

As the thaw arrives & sun shines in the ‘peg, may you let go of patterns & choices keeping you from recognising the gift you are. Shine on!

Sunday is shiny in the ‘peg. May you take in that light & share it in the dark places you encounter as you journey on!

Grief & Joy, Health & Illness, Suffering & Celebration r intimate parts of our journey. How do u hold on to the light when it seems absent?

Time to write that letter? Make that phone call? An apology? I love you? Or perhaps it’s just a conversation that begins, “Hey God …”

Do u believe everything you hear? Do u distrust everything you hear? Does the way u hear reinforce assumptions or open u up to questions?

As you endeavour to be a Christian Disciple, when a law is made, is unjust & causes harm, how do you understand you are called to respond?

May those who find this sun & warmth in the ‘peg a burden & weight, may u experience care/compassion to which u r entitled as a Child of God

In the North End? St. Boniface? Lindenwoods? Take a moment, close your eyes & breathe deeply … open your eyes & what beauty is before you?

Are you the hero of your own story? If so, what does that mean for those of us who, you feel, have hurt you?

If you always do, what you’ve always done, you’ll always get, what you always got. Is that what you actually want?

Do I encounter the person you are or the one whom you long to be? When your eyes lookout from your soul, have you embraced the gift you are?

To doubt or be confused is not an indictment of failure or something to be judged. It just means you’re like the rest of us: human!

Notwithstanding the depth of your doubts, foundation of your faith, may your decisions come from a place of compassion grounded in humility

It’s not those who r ‘against us’ about whom we should be concerned, but those who dress fear in love & teach hatred. Stay awake, Speak out!

Walking on Portage today? Maybe @ a park in St. B? Biking in Transcona? See with eyes of wonder: there’s beauty everywhere!

We are on the threshold of Holy Week. May we hold each other with care & tenderness as we walk into the darkness
Your reflections are most welcome!