As each season passes
discard what joy has not taught
embrace what wisdom leaves behind
As journey ends
soil sow for those Hope shall plant
Inspired by recognising what to discard and that which to embrace …

inspires creativity
fostering conversations
between people & nature
that births dreams shared
& fashions reality into which we walk
Inspired by curious questions …
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Reality ripples
replete with patterns
ebbing & flowing
cascading & rising
In each manifestation
constant change
potential births possibility
Inspired by the freedom that comes when we realise we can change our minds …

As thoughts unfurl
intentions expand
possibilities explored
keep Spirit cleansed
Mind uncluttered
Body nimble
so as you ascend
we so shine
Inspired by minds uncluttered & focus sharpened …

In each choice
a teacher beckons
learning offering
insight possible
Release success’ lull
hearken to revelation
revealing wisdom’s promise
Inspired by learning in outcomes joyful & difficult …
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Upon a Master gaze
lessons difficult
goal unattainable seems
Disciple’s learning key
those who’ve arrived
have failed more than those begun
Inspired by the long road of discipleship …

Spy not upon trinkets & baubles
Heed not siren’s superficial call
Within light fiercely shines
beauty abounds for
are spark Divine
Inspired by success other than that which is acquired …

In the mirror
a story unfolding
some assume the tale
others try to tell it
But you
and only you
can weave the one into which you thrive
Inspired by claiming the reflection before us …
A Deacon’s Musing’s. First I would love to say hello to my good friend Richard. You prove to your readers how endless everything can become. Do we have to accept that reach so far over there ? Or is there a saver and better way for us to take in our journey my friend. I always love his story’s or Meme’s. Great work from your world on the prairies. Of course we both are on the prairies. Keep in touch and maybe one day we can actually get to meet in person.
Hi James,
Your affirmation and kindness is indeed a gift: thank you! As for that Prairie meet-up, well you just never know 🙂
A Deacon’s Musing’s. First I would love to say hello to my good friend Richard. You prove to your readers how endless everything can become. Do we have to accept that reach so far over there ? Or is there a saver and better way for us to take in our journey my friend. I always love his story’s or Meme’s. Great work from your world on the prairies. Of course we both are on the prairies. Keep in touch and maybe one day we can actually get to meet in person. Look at this fact : Richard and I, James are friends. Please posy my comments in whole. Thank you very much