The #MicroPoetry of the blog began as a creative practice in 2012. Using the confines of twitter’s 140 characters, this discipline has been a generative opportunity to use words to poetically muse. Starting in 2017, brief reflections became another way to explore the use of these verses as part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I hope these monthly collections offer you space to be, reflect and consider how your own choices might help you and other #ShineOn.

We are each frequencies
emitting an invitation
to one another
For in our resonance
as we so attune
the Universe’s song
we begin to sing
into Being
Inspired by listening to the harmonies we are …
As I watch the cursor blink, I am struck by how often we find ourselves isolated from each other and even from ourselves. Our social media feeds can become anchors that trap us in fixed moments that stretch on for days.
In these narrow spaces, the world can feel isolating and detached. We see only what the screen reveals, and this can lead to a sense of disconnection from one another.
But what if we shifted our focus away from sight and toward hearing? What would happen if we turned on a piece of music and let it move through us? What if we allowed that harmony to guide us outside, into our neighborhoods?
In this moment, whether we live in a rural or urban area, I believe there is a promise waiting for us. We can begin, or perhaps be reminded, to see each other as part of a song in which we all play a part. If we simply begin to share the notes we bear, we can create a beautiful and harmonious melody together.

In nooks & crannies
innocuous & unassuming
wherever we tend to avoid
there we’ll find it
The extraordinary discovery awaiting
& so wonder infuse
Inspired by discovery awe in plain sight …
It is right there, always present. However, sometimes we fail to see it with the eyes that are meant to behold it. The reasons for this are many – from fatigue and distraction to worry – but we should not judge ourselves for it. Let us instead make a conscious effort to change this.
Let us pay attention to those moments that we often overlook as mundane and routine. Let us open the eyes of our souls to see the world anew as it was intended. What catches our attention in these moments of clarity? It is there, in those moments, where wonder returns to inspire and remind us of our shared journey through this world.

Her gentle encouragement
graces us in tumult’s midst
As we acquiesce & breath draws
our mind begins to discordant quell
so our Soul may so speak
Inspired by quieting the mind to listen to the soul …
It can be overwhelming. We can feel like a constant barrage of noise is confronting us from the moment we wake to the escape sleep may offer. Even during slumber, at times, there is no reprieve.
If there is one superpower that I believe we all possess, it is the ability to take a deep breath. From spiritual practitioners to the science of the body, this simple and powerful act is grounding in so many ways. When we next feel the anxiety of our times threatening to overwhelm us, let us remember the gift of being able to draw deeply from the well of life, so that we may see the world anew.

Toward yonder shoals
we oft seem headed
focusing on the inevitable
detracts from the possible
With one action
sails realigned
we new vista reveal
Inspired by the simple choice to look anew …
Hold it tightly …
Squirrel it away …
Buckle down the hatches …
We are often tempted to cling to material possessions as if they define our worth. However, this attachment to stuff creates distance between ourselves and others, preventing us from experiencing true connection.
The journey of awakening invites us to consider a different perspective. Instead of valuing external possessions, we can explore the unique gifts that we each possess, such as the ability to make people laugh, solve mathematical problems, create things with our hands, or simply listen deeply. These gifts are meant to be shared radically, fostering connection in a world that is yearning for it.
When we have the courage to give away our gifts freely, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and experiences. We may discover that what we thought defined us was just a fleeting illusion, and that our true worth lies in the connections we make with others through the sharing of our gifts.
Try giving it away … what might be revealed in our courageous choice?

Without expectation
or benefit
Love selflessly invites us
to support
for one another
so as one
all may rise
Inspired by care Valentine unfolding …
I admit that I was thinking about Valentines … not necessarily the commercialisation of the day, but the intention to celebrate ‘love.’ Often, we have a culturally romantic ideal of the emotion that seems – at times – saccharine? In this #Verse, therefore, I was hoping to connect love as more than an individual expression, but as a thing, an energy, an orientation that binds us all intimately together.

Though our path
destination leads
they are not the same
The latter future adapts
as the former Now grounds
to challenges & wonder unanticipated
Inspired by being present on our shifting future journey …
It is easy to confuse the path upon which we find ourselves and the destination toward which we are journeying as being one and the same. In fact, I think this happens fairly regularly to varying degrees.
I suggest that we reflect on the idea that the journey in which we find ourselves is separate from the goal toward which we aspire. The future state is always in flux as it depends on what we do right now. When we do not confuse the path and the destination, suddenly the full impact of the agency we have right now comes into full focus.

Upon divergent journeys
when a moment’s pause
our paths find one another
& the invitation to welcome one another
invokes Hospitality’s blessing
Inspired by embracing the moments when we have space to truly greet one another …
Many of us have heard the metaphor of life as if we are ships passing in the night. We know that we are all here, sometimes quite close, but just being in proximity doesn’t guarantee that we will ever meet, let alone build a relationship or community.
However, we shouldn’t interpret this metaphor as a judgment. Instead, it could be seen as an invitation to cherish those moments when things slow down, and serendipity brings us together, creating blessed space for us to sit with each other in a sacred moment.

In each Now
two companions
Awareness & Safety dance
Stepping forward to growth
& backward security
Neither preference
but intention reality shapes
Inspired by learning to dance without lessons …
Two important aspects of our lives are the invitation to awareness and the need for safety. These two aspects are not in opposition to each other. Depending on the situation, one may take priority over the other.
Becoming aware of this dance between awareness and safety invites us to consider how we may prioritize one over the other. When we can find a balance between the two, we become open to new opportunities that we might have otherwise missed due to our habits that limit our perception of the world’s constant beckoning wonder.
Your reflections are most welcome!