The #MicroPoetry of the blog began as a creative practice in 2012. Using the confines of twitter’s 140 characters, this discipline has been a generative opportunity to use words to poetically muse. Starting in 2017, brief reflections became another way to explore the use of these verses as part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I hope these monthly collections offer you space to be, reflect and consider how your own choices might help you and other #ShineOn.

From each of us
that spark within
is meant to emanate
beyond this Now
Into moments not yet
decisions not yet
to illumine the way for those to come
Inspired by unshuttering one another to so shine …
Light is a reoccurring theme in much of these verses. This follows in a long tradition that embraces the poetic, the spiritual journey and the scientific parallels that recognise we are each an energy that emanates, emits and shines.
If we take this wisdom seriously, that we are light sources, then what does that mean if we nurture this capacity in ourselves and one another?
What practices do you pursue that help you harness your own light? In turn, how does this help you cultivate this in those around you?

We are each gardens tender
that together a quilt weave
How we tend to the Self
sows what will grow
in one another as neighbours
With care so seed
Inspired by nurturing the environment that embraces us …
As spring arrives, I find myself, along with many others, watching as green shoots break through the ground, as leaves’ pale promise begin to unfurl and seeds are sown to provide summertime delicacies.
What if we tended to ourselves as well as we do to our springtime return to the soil?
What if we recognised that how I treat myself, affects the soil next to me?
If we recognised such interconnexion, what might you begin to plant anew?

Justice’s song
that summons our liberation
is grounded in the harmony
that we call Love
When each creature is beloved valued
we shall all be free
Inspired by love’s action as justice in the world …
Justice is a central vocation and aspiration of our life’s journey. It is also a word that can be corrupted and watered down. It can even be weaponised against the very thing for which it aspires to establish: peace.
From my faith vantage, as a Christian, to hold on to this central component of my belief I need to remember that justice models acts that embody Love. This connexion, between justice and love, then allows for a constant frame of reference. If love does not inform just acts, then justice simply becomes another manner in which to oppress ourselves and one another.

Upon a wall we’ve painted the world
people loved & excluded
As you spy our creation
have we crafted what we wish to see
or shall we start anew?
Inspired by beginning to paint with a new palette …
In these reflections, I often find myself using metaphors to explore life. In this verse, life as a painting has drawn me to explore how we create the worlds we see. Just as importantly, the metaphor invites me to wonder whether what we have painted, what we have created, is in fact that which we want. This ‘want,’ however, is not about an individual, but as a collective.
If what we have painted does not serve the beauty we are, perhaps we need to begin a new canvas together?

Look not back to what was
nor forward to what might be
In this moment we call Now
look with Awareness
to reveal threads that bind
Then with When
Inspired by awareness dawning …
Sometimes, it is easy to romanticise the Past or elevate the Future in such a way that the moment in which we find ourselves, the Present, is diminished, perhaps even dismissed. Whether we look to what was or forward to what might be, what we do now explicitly influences what we have or will see. Such awareness can liberate and free us in ways that enable us to embrace the agency we have right now and that is choice
As you look into today, what do you choose to do as an act of awakening?

Upon winds She ever arrives
Amidst stability’s illusion
permanence’s semblance
disruption insinuates & transforms
In Change
agency we may choose
Inspired by change’s constant reshaping …
In this verse, I return to explore how the Holy, as She, is experienced in Change. This is important in the reality in which I find myself in this poetic musing: the hoped-for lessening of the COVID pandemic.
What has become clear to me through these 16+ months is the reminder that stability is an illusion of privilege. For those on the margins and/or experience oppression, they often do not benefit from this semblance of permanence. If this experience connects for you, it leads me to offer these questions:
What is your relationship to change?
Is it a creative time or anxious making?
Regardless of whether you find change positive or negative, what do you feel would help you recognise and navigate it as a constant realty in (y)our lives?

Whether in thought’s symposia
poetic waxing fireside
or café discourse political
It’s in thought nurtured
opinions heard
when we new meaning make
Inspired by thoughts shared & opinions heard …
Critical thinking is central to a life well-examined. Whether that is in such areas as the scientific or poetic, mystical or literary, being committed to such thoughts practices helps us, Such practice not only allows us to translate our opinion into measured consideration but also assists us to hear opinions with which we may find different than our own. It is when we attain such balance, we enter space where new meaning might be cultivated with one another even when there might be disagreement.

Awakening to Light within
begins by recognising gifts
you carry to nurture community
Wisdom dawns when
we help others embrace their Lighted-Gift
Inspired by awakening to Self’s dependence on the Other …
As we explore practices that deepen our own self-knowing, this inner work should point beyond just you and me. This preference leads to further revelation that in our own individual awakening, we become aware that we remain tethered. What tethers or anchors means is that unless those around us – the Other – are also afforded opportunities for liberation, none of us can be truly free.
How has someone helped you recognise your own inner light?
How have you helped someone recognise the gifts you acknowledge in them, yet which they have not yet?
Your reflections are most welcome!