From each of us
that spark within
is meant to emanate
beyond this Now
Into moments not yet
decisions not yet
to illumine the way for those to come
Inspired by unshuttering one another to so shine …

We are each gardens tender
that together a quilt weave
How we tend to the Self
sows what will grow
in one another as neighbours
With care so seed
Inspired by nurturing the environment that embraces us …

Justice’s song
that summons our liberation
is grounded in the harmony
that we call Love
When each creature is beloved valued
we shall all be free
Inspired by love’s action as justice in the world …
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Upon a wall we’ve painted the world
people loved & excluded
As you spy our creation
have we crafted what we wish to see
or shall we start anew?
Inspired by beginning to paint with a new palette …

Look not back to what was
nor forward to what might be
In this moment we call Now
look with Awareness
to reveal threads that bind
Then with When
Inspired by awareness dawning …
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Upon winds She ever arrives
Amidst stability’s illusion
permanence’s semblance
disruption insinuates & transforms
In Change
agency we may choose
Inspired by change’s constant reshaping …

Whether in thought’s symposia
poetic waxing fireside
or café discourse political
It’s in thought nurtured
opinions heard
when we new meaning make
Inspired by thoughts shared & opinions heard …

Awakening to Light within
begins by recognising gifts
you carry to nurture community
Wisdom dawns when
we help others embrace their Lighted-Gift
Inspired by awakening to Self’s dependence on the Other …
Your reflections are most welcome!