The #MicroPoetry of the blog began as a creative practice in 2012. Using the confines of twitter’s 140 characters, this discipline has been a generative opportunity to use words to poetically muse. Starting in 2017, brief reflections became another way to explore the use of these verses as part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I hope these monthly collections offer you space to be, reflect and consider how your own choices might help you and other #ShineOn.

Amidst danger’s swirl
as change dances
through our lives
wonder remains to inspire
& amazement abounds
if we but listen for
& recognise Divine Joy
Inspired by receiving amazing things in troubling times …
We journey through lives that are both challenging and resilient, abundant and despairing. Such is the nature of this mortal coil. How we respond to these tensions shapes how we perceive ourselves and those we journey alongside, whether it be for a fleeting moment or a lifetime.
In this journey, what is it that we seek?
For what do we yearn to enrich our lives with wonder and amazement?
As we gaze upon our bookshelves and walls, what do we see reflected back that nourishes our souls?

In our striving of becoming
the inner work that knits
us into the Blessing we bear
echoes into our community
helping us to weave the world whole
Inspired by the resilient commitment to heal one another …
The healing of creation is a vital practice that demands our commitment. It is not merely a spiritual discipline but an active engagement that necessitates attentiveness to both the present moment and the broader narrative in which it unfolds. This is significant because it goes beyond abstract or metaphysical contemplation. It entails actively caring for one another while also acknowledging and practicing self-care, enabling us to cultivate resilience and offer support to marginalised and oppressed communities as allies.

Doorways open to vistas possible
Paths wind to potential peaks
Mirrors reflect horizons awaiting
In moment’s choice
our impossible becomes real
Inspired by the moment the road before us is revealed …
The gift and responsibility of making choices can sometimes seem rather mundane, as we make them all the time, often without even being aware of them from one moment to the next.
However, it is crucial to practice recognizing these moments, as doing so leads us to embrace the agency we truly possess. With each intentional decision, we are invited to awaken to a simple truth: collectively, we shape the reality we see before us.

Often the way forward
is uncertainty obscured
Our enigmatic companion
invites us to listen deeply
discern intently
so to reveal our path intended
Inspired by being present to revelation in doubt’s midst …
Doubt & Revelation
It has been my experience that these two seemingly opposite concepts can, in fact, be intimate partners. If we accept the premise that doubt is an integral part of an intentional journey, a single question emerges: What insights might we gain by intentionally and attentively embracing doubt?
If we view doubt merely as a negation or a sign of impossibility, the likelihood of revelation is low. However, if we approach it as a doorway, we often find opportunities for learning when we welcome these two companions into our lives.

In multitude channels & streams
data flies hither & tither
With a moment’s pause chosen
embrace the wonderful
& learn from experience unexpected
Inspired by staying grounded in the frazzle …
“Do what I say, don’t do what I do.”
This adage, which may be considered a truism, emphasises the importance of ensuring that our words are consistent with our actions. Whether our words and actions align or not, they reflect a fundamental truth: the future is influenced by the actions we take in the present. When our words are translated into action, we must acknowledge that we hold the power and, consequently, the responsibility to shape the world we will pass on to future generations as their legacy.

No act is neutral
no doing ambiguous
nor choice inconsequential
In movement’s moment
our words’ import acquiesces
to action that will future echo
Inspired by recognising that what we do makes a difference …
“Watch me”
This is a training technique my family has been using for some time to establish new relationships with our canine companions. It highlights the importance of effective teaching and learning, based on my personal experience.
When it comes to learning, it is our actions that ultimately convey our intentions. If our words are not consistent with our actions, it is often the latter that people use to evaluate us.

not bounded by walls
A place
where the sacred meets our everyday
& invites us to commune on what was
so as to prepare to begin what will be
Inspired by finding the places we call home …
Home is a important concept, particularly when it is intertwined with a physical space. It can offer valuable insights into our understanding of what constitutes a “home.” However, it’s important to recognise that the nurturing of sacred places that rejuvenate us may not always be confined by walls or doors.
As you envision these spaces and settings, where you can replenish your energy and engage in reflection, how would you describe them?
How would you care for them, whether they are defined by boundaries or open horizons, so that you can emerge from them revitalised and rejuvenated?

We each energy emanate
whether harnessed or chaotic
into the Universe we harmony resonate
What you do
with frequency you are
amplifies who we are
Inspired by leveraging energy to be action in the world …
Just as a tuning fork emits sound and a lightbulb radiates light, we can observe the Universe speaking to us through space, allowing us to hear the echoes of the Big Bang from the past.
In contemplating these metaphors, we must consider our own existence as energy. Whether our energy is harmonious or discordant, we have the power to impact both others and the world around us. Recognising this significance prompts us to pause and reflect on how we choose to utilise this awakening in our own lives and the communities with whom we journey.
Hmmm, funny, I thought I was already following but WordPress tells me not.
At any rate, I enjoyed reading this collection. I found the piece on “home” particularly engaging as that is a concept that is very important to me in my efforts to be and remain grounded.
It was good to see you the two occasions we were together during your visit! Rich blessings to you, my friend.
Thanks for taking the time to share this, Steve. The home one certainly felt important as I watch what is happening globally. It is such a construct and having a sense of what it means seems to open up possibility for these awkward conversations we need to continue to have!