Amidst danger’s swirl
as change dances
through our lives
wonder remains to inspire
& amazement abounds
if we but listen for
& recognise Divine Joy
Inspired by receiving amazing things in troubling times …

In our striving of becoming
the inner work that knits
us into the Blessing we bear
echoes into our community
helping us to weave the world whole
Inspired by the resilient commitment to heal one another …

Doorways open to vistas possible
Paths wind to potential peaks
Mirrors reflect horizons awaiting
In moment’s choice
our impossible becomes real
Inspired by the moment the road before us is revealed …
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Often the way forward
is uncertainty obscured
Our enigmatic companion
invites us to listen deeply
discern intently
so to reveal our path intended
Inspired by being present to revelation in doubt’s midst …

In multitude channels & streams
data flies hither & tither
With a moment’s pause chosen
embrace the wonderful
& learn from experience unexpected
Inspired by staying grounded in the frazzle …
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No act is neutral
no doing ambiguous
nor choice inconsequential
In movement’s moment
our words’ import acquiesces
to action that will future echo
Inspired by recognising that what we do makes a difference …

not bounded by walls
A place
where the sacred meets our everyday
& invites us to commune on what was
so as to prepare to begin what will be
Inspired by finding the places we call home …

We each energy emanate
whether harnessed or chaotic
into the Universe we harmony resonate
What you do
with frequency you are
amplifies who we are
Inspired by leveraging energy to be action in the world …
Your reflections are most welcome!