The #MicroPoetry of the blog began as a creative practice in 2012. Using the confines of twitter’s 140 characters, this discipline has been a generative opportunity to use words to poetically muse. Starting in 2017, brief reflections became another way to explore the use of these verses as part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I hope these monthly collections offer you space to be, reflect and consider how your own choices might help you and other #ShineOn.

We are each a reflection
of the Universe’s possibility
What we choose to Be
manifests that which we see
not in just one another
but in ourselves
Inspired by being aware of an affirmation’s power …
As we reflect on the influence of past Elders and Mentors, we should always consider whether their words and actions aligned. In an era where truth is a commodity within economic algorithms, it is easy for us to begin to feel trapped in echo chambers. If we recall the lessons learned from others’ actions, we can also begin to question our choices, striving to embrace those opportunities that lead us toward compassion away from a world that seems to be sinking toward hate. It is this introspection that is crucial in today’s world, prompting us to critically assess our actions and their impact on our ourselves, one another, and the world we intend to leave for those for whom we are now Elders.

How we adorn the places
where we dwell
reflects that to which
our attention is drawn
As we dress our sacred spaces
we so frame the world beyond
Inspired by focussing on that which emboldens …
Take a stroll through the space you call home. Observe the walls, the keepsakes on shelves, and the hues that weave through art and images. These tangible touchstones prompt introspection about our internal and reflective realms. Consider the literature we consume, the podcasts that fill our ears, and the media that captures our gaze. Like art on a wall, the words we empower shape our perception of the world and our place within it. They manifest our universe, reflecting our truths and influencing our era. Each word, a guidepost; each action, an affirmation of an extension of the power we give to those words.

Around our kitchen table
a sacred space
in life’s chaotic midst
we sit with companions dear
Love & Compassion
who deeply listen
to Soul’s musing
Inspired by seeking inspiration in troubled times …
The kitchen table exists as a sanctuary, a place of communal gathering that transforms meals into fellowship and companionship into strength. It’s where our vulnerabilities are shared, fears confronted, and doubts named. Over tea or wine, we lessen the grip of our concerns, transforming impediments into challenges that become navigable. In this sacred space, our collective wisdom flourishes, offering guidance and clarity that often escapes us in isolation. It’s in these timeless gatherings that we find courage in community, a testament to the enduring power of connexion. Here, we’re emboldened by the act of listening, discovering insights that only emerge in the warmth of such shared moments.

Speak gently to yourself
& recognise the Spark
you alone bear for us
So that as you begin to blaze
within the darkness
we shall then find our way
Inspired by recognising the truth that we are Loved …
There is a repetitive message we hear far too often, which we have come to internalise it to our own detriment. That message is simply that we are not enough, cannot change that which we know is unhealthy or broken, and, ultimately denies that we are each preciously beautiful. When we discard this false story about ourselves something amazing inevitably happens. We begin to model, simply in our doing, this sacred truth: what we do stands as a testament that others too are blessed and loved.

It is from our learning
that our doing
must become righteousness
made manifest
It is from our dreaming
that our acting
must become world’s healing
Inspired by ensuring that our actions reflect our values …
It is inevitable that at some point, we must make a choice. We possess an innate curiosity that inspires us to marvel and ask piercing questions, sometimes revealing what we might collectively wish to avoid. Yet, there will come a moment where our learning and dreaming, imagining and study, demand that we take seriously the need to act. Admittedly, this is sometimes not easy. For it is in our dreaming and learning that we begin to spot the cracks that allow people to be hurt and others to be excluded. Therefore, we must be brave and support one another when it is time to shift from reflecting to acting.

We walk an act of balance
Shaped to imaginative creativity
yet drawn to illusory stability
Releasing woven mirage
unleashes awaiting possibility
Inspired by escaping the lure of the ‘good-old-days’ …
As I consider these ‘crumbling’ days, in which we find ourselves, I am aware many are experiencing understandable anxiety, worry, and even fear. All the things we assumed to be normal—political civility, security, affordable living, and predictable weather—are now upside down, swirling in the uncertainty of the future. This time demands that we ask questions and reflect on our assumptions. It’s a time to shape answers that acknowledge our intentions, sculpting our possible future. So, what are your questions, and to what possible future do they lead us?

Our circumstances r often
parameter’d & limited
bounded & barriered
Liberation begins as we embrace
our divine blessing
an Imagination unfettered
Inspired by setting free our thought firestorm …
From the moment we begin our lives, we’re surrounded by structures and systems, ways of thinking, and biases. These can limit our aspirations and are often intensified by such factors like our birthplace, whom we love, and our gender identity. It’s crucial to recognise these realities for ourselves and others. The journey to change starts with honest critique and sharing our vulnerabilities. This honesty opens us up to imagine a world without limits. When we come together as a community, we start to break down the barriers that bind us, both individually and collectively.

Always present
Universe’s silent invitation: let go
A promise to release anchor’s moor
that impedes us to sail toward
horizon’s transformation
Inspired by releasing who we are & becoming what we’re meant for …
Yet, when we do take the time—perhaps with a trusted companion or within a nurturing community—the lesson is simple, though never easy: to become who we truly are often starts with the act of letting go. It’s a journey of shedding layers, revealing our authentic selves, and embracing the vulnerability and strength that come with such honesty.
Your reflections are most welcome!