Slumber silently surfaces
Rest recently realised
In moments of calm
As Grace offers respite
May transformation occur
as discerning unfolds

Sun sets scarlet
Clouds copper cast
Stars twinkle upward
Moon newly outlined
May the wonder of evening
inspire creativity on dawn’s debut

Smart or pleasant?
Nice or kind?
Why help? Care? Give?
May all who give
require no recognition
May all who need
receive without expectation

Headlines distract
As life unfolds
Sound bites obscure
As joy & sorrow dance
Life weaves certainty & doubt
& reveals wonder in the ordinary

Her pen witnesses tears
Her muse marks echo’s laughter
In letters’ pause
upward she spies
Poet unseen
a smile blooms
as our tale unfolds

Cars idle
anticipating advance
Pedestrians fidget
awaiting flash forward
By rote
agency is diminished
Awake: if u can dream
u can create

Scrapers touch night sky
Waning moon tints boulevard
Anonymous lives unfold
in isolated illusion
Yet communities thrive
threading stories

Generations dance
Shared goals
Different lenses
Same hopes
Separate experiences
May wisdom guide
as bridge across
unknown waters

Into dark alleys
we fear to tread
Down byways of
sorrow & joy
we do avoid
For in such places
by meeting the other
we may our self greet

Roots dive deep
into time soil layered
Stories thread intimately
lives woven deeply
we r ego’s limit
we r potential unleashed

Fulfillment comes
with play
Joy emboldens
within the grey
Laughter echoes
through halls of loss
models love
May you shine!

Choices numb Agency
Lined aisles reinforce
privilege’s illusion
You are Poet’s muse
You are her words writ
By your Action
the poem unfolds

What’s your future?
Your past?
One’s been
The other yet to be
The Now
is what u have
Claim it & please
don’t let someone
steal it from u

Winter grips tight
In #winnipeg corners
hidden lives hold
tenaciously in frigid fragility
May all who hold Light
share warmth without agenda

The Poet’s pen flows
We are verbs
that nurture a noun
We are adjectives
that details the sentence
And between the spaces
our lives unfold

Suffering tempts inaction
In rubbled houses
homes once stood
People displaced
straggle lost
May wanderer’s journey
find sanctuary offered

Feathered falling flakes
Prowling piling pack
Beneath bleaching
shrouded secrets slumber
May light of day
expose that which
we would bury

Acquired apathy=acquiesced agency
Captives r not freed
Widows & children
r not loved
Strangers r not protected
w/o our intention & attention

In frenzied Black Friday’s
consumption reality
Do we make space
to spy beneath
advertisement’s veneer?
To ask from whom
do we benefit?

The Waiting
The Dreaming
The Longing begins
Advent dawns
The future for which we work
begins in the space
between reflection & preparation
Your reflections are most welcome!