Into the day
partisan voices distract
agendas quibble
& people suffer.
May we respond by doing
uplift those held low
be Light in the Grey

Addictions taint lives into
dependent painted patterns
May wisdom temper judgement
May we be soothing gentle grace
for all who hurt

They are the disappeared
the forgotten
women lost
& yet remember them we do not
May all who r lost, b found
May all who remember, speak

At injustice
they rally
When dignity denied
they protest
As earth violated
they vigil
May all who act prophetically
be truth emboldened

do not define who we are
are the teachers of who we might be
What are we willing to learn
when into the mirror we spy?

Each day dances with tension
Gift & Lament
glide with one another
in intimate choreography
As intention guides
lies learning to glean

A weary week
Fatigue follows
Respite rarely realised
With humility hands reach out
succour asked
With frail humility
I hope you respond

In stretched halls
Upon beds dressed
with hospital corners
Healing proceeds
Dying unfolds
May we walk into
care places
humbled & present

Headlines highlight
those who shout
those who have
those who consume
Where are the voices
from the margin
from below
from whom we benefit?

Glee tickles
Joy trickles
In Life’s ups & downs
Mirth greets
Whether as cynic or jester
Smiles’ gift
softens hurt
& highlights celebration

Fire burns
Water freezes
Flame flickers
Ice crystallises
If binaries separate
choice is diminished
May all who lead
inspire agency in others

The poet’s pen glides
Words point beyond
Symbols dress
the inexpressible
The reader
gleans unintended meaning
And in their dance, truth

Leaves turn
Snow falls
Cobalt clouds stretch
At season’s cusp
May we prepare
for the Stranger’s
unexpected arrival
in Winter’s depth

All moments blur
Each second is an eternity
In this now
As the hand ticks
Milestones mark this from that
For what are you grateful?

The Poet sighs
verses dance
dormant potential
Pen flows
Stories unfold
Truth sought
Glimpsing what was
what might b
Who u r
who u might b

Deadlines loom
Schedules stretch
And fatigue leadens
May all dispirited
know respite
May all who delight
shine into sombre dimness

Between a blink
joy & tragedy intertwine
In breath’s pause
grief & laughter are woven
Day begins shrouded
in the unknown
& into it we walk

Upon whose shoulders do u stand?
What sown seeds blossomed u?
Who tilled the soil
that u might stand tall?
May we honour our relations!

Voices rise
Tempers boil
Ears close
Hands clench
Eyes stare
May all at the cusp of hurt
draw breath deeply
and let go the tipping point
Your reflections are most welcome!