The #MicroPoetry of the blog began as a creative practice in 2012. Using the confines of twitter’s 140 characters, this discipline has been a generative opportunity to use words to poetically muse. Starting in 2017, brief reflections became another way to explore the use of these verses as part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I hope these monthly collections offer you space to be, reflect and consider how your own choices might help you and other #ShineOn.

How we long
for certainty
explain this
account that
so protect us
from fear’s discord
Yet ambiguity’s tears
hands tender held
Grace abides
Inspired by questions that have no answers …
The news, regardless of when you might read this, echoes voices that want to position the inexplicable, whether weather or violence, as explainable. Whether it’s us vs. them or good vs. evil, such certainty obscures that answers become clouded in the ambiguity of human choices and systems that do not offer easy solutions. This A Deacon’s Musing #MicroPoetry tries to make space that sometimes, perhaps often, it is by Grace’s presence that we find out ways through as we hold one another with care.

As stars captivate
innumerable to
abundance pervades in life diverse
Be as bodies celestial
& imagine
without limit
Inspired by being a child of stars innumerable …
I had this insight, imagining, dream that as beings made of stardust, our awareness and thoughts are connected to untold and innumerable stars. The vastness of the cosmos, as being directly connected as unfolding thought, got me to begin to consider that our imagination has the power to connect us and to create unimaginable possibilities if harnessed with care and intention. This A Deacon’s Musing endeavours to capture that aspiration …

The power of might
the force of brute
neither transforms
nor awakens within us
interdependence that intimately
weaves us to one another
Inspired by the tenacity of intimacy …
It sometimes feels like if we push hard enough and force ourselves or one another to change it will happen. This is further experienced in the way we often engage with one another politically. We shout at one another more often than listening to each other. This A Deacon’s Musing #MicroPoetry #Verse endeavours to capture that force and power often fail to help us recognise our interdependence to one another.

Upon the horizon
dreams invite
goals await
aspirations beckon
Toward that which will be
fulfillment begins
only when with first step taken
Inspired by making dreams come true …
Often, we hear the lament of goals and dreams never explored. Or that aspirations cannot overcome the obstacles ahead. These are fair concerns and sometimes there are indeed realities that limit our choices. Other times, fear can get in the way of taking a brave step toward the horizon. This A Deacon’s Musing attempts to capture the latter in this #MicroPoetry #Verse.

At shores edge
on grains of stars
we stand
gazing Beyond
from which lights twinkle
humbling emboldening
to embrace service
greater than We
Inspired by embracing a power greater that We …
What does it mean to serve something?
What is deserving of our service?
How do we let go of ego’s temptation and embrace humility’s confidence?
These are not easy questions and I think, regardless of faith or philosophy, they are central to the examined life. This A Deacon’s Musing attempt to capture, if only a fragment, part of that conversation …

As dam
water holds
As wall
winds sweep
We retain
hearkening 2 Her ever whisper
are enough
Let go
so all shall shine
Inspired by catharsis of letting go …
This A Deacon’s Musing #MicroPoetry began with a metaphor: people wound tight like … a yo-yo? Spring? Elastic? From there, I began to muse about pressure and how things are held back, sometimes very natural elements can become destructive if too much tension/diversion occurs. From these thought and ideas, this #Verse began to unfold and what it might mean if we let go of those things that wind us up … and if we find a way to do that, what then might we realise? Awaken to?

Toward goals
dreams aspired
possibilities pursued
it is not attainment
but that which we become
which is transformed
Inspired by the journey as the destination …
The journey: That is often a way to imagine life’s unfolding course. Sometimes, a meditative reflection invites us to consider that the destination, therefore, is not the goal. This A Deacon’s Musing plays with our tendency to want to attain goals with the possibility that the learning, the joie de vivre, is in the experience that occurs as we endeavour toward any possible attainment of a goal and realisation of a dream.
Your reflections are most welcome!