In the swirling of stars
cascading of waters
dancing of stone
Creation reflects to its children
goodness’ symmetry
Inspired by goodness in all things …

for certainty
explain this
account that
so protect us
from fear’s discord
Yet ambiguity’s tears
hands tender held
Grace abides
Inspired by questions that have no answers …

As stars captivate
innumerable to
abundance pervades in life diverse
Be as bodies celestial
& imagine
without limit
Inspired by being a child of stars innumerable …

Good Morning #Winnipeg
#StJames to #Transcona
innumerable stories untold of
as our Thanksgiving tale
Inspired by a life thanksgiving filled …

The power of might
the force of brute
neither transforms
nor awakens within us
interdependence that intimately
weaves us to one another
Inspired by the tenacity of intimacy …

Upon the horizon
dreams invite
goals await
aspirations beckon
Toward that which will be
fulfillment begins
only when with first step taken
Inspired by making dreams come true …

Good Morning #Winnipeg
The hope for liberation
dream of equality
promise of justice
are more than words empty
they are our reality unfolding
Inspired by Good News shared …
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At shores edge
on grains of stars
we stand
gazing Beyond
from which lights twinkle
humbling emboldening
to embrace service
greater than We
Inspired by embracing a power greater that We …

As dam
water holds
As wall
winds sweep
We retain
hearkening 2 Her ever whisper
are enough
Let go
so all shall shine
Inspired by catharsis of letting go …

Good Morning #Winnipeg
Abundance flashes brilliant
in colours vibrant
harvest bountiful
gifts abound
May in receiving
in turn
may we so give
Inspired by harvest’s bounty …

Toward goals
dreams aspired
possibilities pursued
it is not attainment
but that which we become
which is transformed
Inspired by the journey as the destination …

Good Morning #Winnipeg
Earth begins her silent lullaby
& fallow’d time asks:
In the quiet centre
where have we been?
Where might we tread?
Inspired by the dance between harvest & fallow-time …
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Your reflections are most welcome!