Within us awaits singularity of possibilities
How we draw forth each
matters not
Whether prose or paint
song or dance
All that matters is to make
Inspired by what we make …

On each day
probability & possibility so emerge
In such explorations
should we focus on opportunity or obstacles
will such our future determine
Inspired by navigating our future with intention …

Between Now & Then
What Is & Will Be
is where freedom & learning
growth & creation lie
When we embrace the power to choose
our future we so create
Inspired by a choice so made …
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Blaze gloriously
See beauty
Speak gently
Radically give
Create imaginatively
Compassionately live
And in such variations
we are meant to so Be Love
Inspired by being gratitude …

In the everyday abundance that greets us
that too easily we do not recognise
Gratitude’s practice returns energy
which thus compassion fosters
Inspired by being grateful for the richness we receive …
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Within our Divine Spark
a secret awaits revelation
Particular to you & open to all
its dawning illumines we are each
a part of Love’s unfolding
Inspired by our role in Being Love …

As science portrays a brush’s stroke
& poetry interprets a telescope’s vision
We are each artists rendering reality
dappled in beauty’s palette
Inspired by confidently creating art …

When we are unwilling to risk
we ensure what might be
shall never Be
Into future’s unknown
bravely step
so our choices
shape what is yet to come
Inspired by risking to future sow …
Your reflections are most welcome!