Words Continuum flow
We’re meant to shine fiercely
becoming that which we will be
Hope’s beacon we model
in times divisively shadowed
Inspired by bearing vulnerability’s confidence …

Neither whistling missiles
nor swinging machetes
are Creator’s tools
Hands care offering
ears compassion listening
shape Universe’s peaceful path
Inspired by taking stock in times fraught …

The soil into which we are planted
whether rich or fertile
does not determine
how we may bloom
In the end
what we choose
will be our final Arbiter
Inspired by choosing to tell our own story …
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Our intention Universally vibrates
An energy that fosters or deters
our Journey’s awakening revelation
that what we believe divides
is illusory
Inspired by recognising appreciation’s vibration …

One task upon life’s journey
is to transition from asking others
to live as we wish
& to ask & act to help our neighbour
live as they too wish
Inspired by letting go & lifting up others …
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happen everyday
within the confines of what we know
are happening now
the moment we begin to imagine
that which was not
we birth
Inspired by the end of what imagination began …

Upon this journey
we shall many companions accompany
whether suffering or jubilation
struggle or play
each wisdom bears
as how we may travel well
Inspired by fortitude’s presence in struggles midst …

There is one law absolute
that threads through the Universe
from the planetary
to the Plank scales
In depths dark & galaxies bright
Love endures
Inspired by Light’s beckoning to us in shadows deep …
Beautiful verses, Richard. Thank you.
Thank you, friend, Steve!
Thank you too, friend, Richard!