Days inch shorter as nights edge cooler. From where have you come? To where do you meander? Where do you long to journey as Fall draws nigh?

Living kindness carries with it no value or capital & cannot be harnessed or leveraged. Living kindness is a selfless dream become action

Our task is to embrace the Holy with every spinning electron of our being. To live justice & be kindness now. To be the selfless dream today

Anger & Wrath; both are forms of energy. The former you can harness & the latter controls you. The former can bring change, the latter harm

Whipping winds weave westward. Sacred Spirit stirs sentience. Awakening advocates awareness. Consciousness creates change.

Health constantly ebbs & flows seeking equilibrium. How then shall we share the gift of life in wellness & be humble to receive in need?

The children & youth in our midst are not our Tomorrow, they are our Now. How we nurture, model & care for them influences those who follow

When the moment arrives, how’ll we respond? When asked, will we be willing to share? When a choice is required, will you let go?

In a world of polarities, we must choose how to speak to one another. Do we dialogue or inflame, listen or yell? Make peace or war?

As darkness is weaved as the story in which we live, Hope breaks through cracked concrete as the ever-reaching yellow dandelion you are!

Seasons unfold, what was new fades & what was forgotten surfaces again. In our hectic distractions, pause in the transition & deeply breathe

Embrace today & live fully into the potential. You arrive from where you have come. Awaken that you get to choose the next step, be bold!

Walking the path between extremes is never easy. When you are either a believer or a disbeliever, it’s easy to forget that doubt is a gift

Do not be lulled by the cacophony of mediocrity. Change begins with choice, choice leads to action, and you are the spark awaiting to flare

The Disciple’s path doesn’t weave syllables together to cajole or convince. The Disciple’s path models belief into action without judgement

Love’s embrace fortifies one to see ourselves in our enemy. Love’s embraces fortifies one to see our own tears in our enemy’s eyes

When called, do you respond? When invited, do you arrive? Steps taken are the models of the choices that lead us from here to awakening

Discerning when to stand firm & when to compromise is a current difficultly navigated. Seek to balance the ideal with well-being if possible

Blinking cursor awaits input. Dial tone awaits number. Paper awaits ink. For what do you wait? What do you avoid? With eyes opening, begin

In still thin places, awakening occurs. In modernity’s din, silence reveals. Epiphanies are born, not created. A nurtured soul unveils self
Your reflections are most welcome!