Violence is authorised,
war footing tread
In silence, children cry, mothers die
May all who know conflict b sheltered when red button pushed

In times when we long for a hand to hold, sometimes we find ourselves alone.
May all who long to be held, know the Other’s tender embrace

When those who lead lie, trust erodes in community’s potential.
May all who direct or lead, guide or conduct model & travel humility’s path

Hold me when my soul weeps
Affirm me when I humbly share the gifts I am
Encourage me when there is learning from failure’s opportunity

Worlds change between eyes’ blink
With begrudging stagger, we walk upon new roads
May all who let go of control, see new horizon’s wonder

In discord’s time,
may there be space to listen,
In anger’s tumult,
may there be centred calm.
In grief’s embrace,
may there be compassion

Seasons change,
Larder filled by harvest’s abundance,
Threshed grain stored,
Hunger pervades,
How shall we share when there is enough?

Concert ends,
Cords pulled,
Equipment packed.
Hollow footfalls echo,
Cadence mellows.
In the still,
If you listen,
The last note hovers

In moments of inexplicable tragedy,
When mistakes occur & machinery fails,
May we b present to hurting needs & b patient in answers’ absence

Who do you say we are?
Who do we know ourselves to be?
Do answers invite relationship?
Do assumptions divide?
May we hear that which is new

Economies teeter;
Lines balance;
Credit transferred;
Stories are lost;
Lives reduced to numeric value;
May all who disappear finally shine!

Rote reinforced cynicism
Illusion weaves a web
Agency doubted
Throw off shackles
Embrace change that you are
It begins now

Headlines jar,
Violence rips,
Numbed we become.
Behind each pronoun,
She, he or they,
May we b mindful people r stories
longing for dignity

Upon this path,
life & death intertwine
On this journey,
joy & grief dance
In this day,
potential abounds
May Light shine in grey ambiguity

Seasons slip,
Green withdraws,
Feather flies south.
Dormant time arrives,
Slumber beckons,
Sabbath arrives.
Sleep now, dream, prepare …

Cobalt cloud horizon
rushing rain gutter-bound
listless leaves settle
tempts inertia
apathy ensues
Await awakening action’s dawn

That which divides
tradition holds sevenfold
The first begins in desire
insatiable in appetite
Balance unfolds
as mercy
for Self
& Other
Your reflections are most welcome!