Too often it seems that words and images are placed against one another. The gift of a meme, when hopefully done well, is that the word and the visual serve to complement and enhance one another in a way that either one or the other – on their own – is unable to fully convey meaning. I hope, therefore, that these mash-ups of #MicroPoetry and their original accompanying image amplify meaning that one or the other could not fully convey!
Hello Richard I loved these memes and the verses they have inside each one. I could see trying to explain these to an enthusiastic crowd of wisdom seekers with out any advance notice of the details as they are laid out. Their minds would be guile d and lost in time due to some psychosis driven there by fear of what was there in front of them.
Thanks Brother James! I know some use them in this way. I also have a FB feature where I post short reflections for them. The feature is updated regularly. I am currently up to January of 2018 and have reflections for each one moving forward.
Hello Brother Richard Thank you for that information it will be good that you are updating them. I like what you are doing !