Step out of the ordinary
& see textures wonder woven
hear the cosmos sing
touch tactile beauty
taste delight upon the air
smell possibility bloom
Inspired by stepping beyond the boundaries …

Study affords the privilege to learn
In knowledge integrated wisdom awakens
In awareness dawning threads are revealed
In the weave we are One
Inspired by the gifts learning affords …

In mountain’s centre
dressed in grey despair
there a jewel lies
beckoning caring hands to hold
compassionate choices to foster
& so Hope bear us
Inspired by those who hold one another in despair’s midst …
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Their task is fruition borne
when in one another they recognise
the completion of blessings we bear
May passion & courage
to life your gift
Inspired by when passion & courage embrace one another …

That which we know
by information & data stored
doesn’t self-knowing assure
In our internal journey
the inward lens
reveals outward light we bear
Inspired by the journey of self-awakening …
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It matters not what you are
who you love
from whence you come
nor where you are going
We are singularly made
so bravely become blessings we are
Inspired by being the good one we are meant to be …

The Muses care not
our medium
genre or tool
We’re each a divine instrument
fashioned to create that yet to be
So be bravely audacious & makers be
Inspired by embracing our task to co-create …

Hurts we’ve caused
harm in which we complicit be
do not us define
What we do
with stories of dis-ease
& our healing so nurture
so shall us define
Inspired by a commitment to Truth & Reconciliation …
Your reflections are most welcome!