The #MicroPoetry of the blog began as a creative practice in 2012. Using the confines of twitter’s 140 characters, this discipline has been a generative opportunity to use words to poetically muse. Starting in 2017, brief reflections became another way to explore the use of these verses as part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I hope these monthly collections offer you space to be, reflect and consider how your own choices might help you and other #ShineOn.

For those
whom we know
clouds surround
Bear Light’s kaleidoscope
Beacon’s Promise
that in turmoil’s midst
alone they are not
as we sit and witness
Inspired by a covenant made visible in a rainbow’s arch …
While beauty surrounds us, life often presents challenges. Whether it’s unpredictable twists, decisions that lead to difficulties, or sheer randomness, we all encounter times filled with discomfort and isolation. In such moments, a silent companion, devoid of a need to fix things, but filled with compassionate presence, can be invaluable.
To become this companion, one must possess self-awareness and a presence that resists the urge to offer false hope or provide quick solutions. Being there, offering the gift of silent understanding, often proves to be the most profound illumination in the midst of life’s swirling shadows.

Our seasons’ cycle
at times through life’s maelstrom
& other times journey’s serenity
Whether amidst tranquilly or chaos
our Divine Task
to grow
Inspired by choosing to move forward in chaotic moments …
Life is a constant state of flux, a universal truth reflected both in our personal journeys and within the pages of Sacred Scripture. Despite our longing for stability and the narratives we craft to maintain it, the onset of the 2020 pandemic compelled us to face life’s inherent volatility.
Given this undeniable reality, what lessons have we gleaned?
What ongoing revelations can we claim?
Have we clung to the past, inadvertently causing harm to others in our efforts to preserve what once was?
Conversely, have we relinquished our preconceived notions and opened our eyes to fresh perspectives?
Have we embraced the opportunity to evolve into the individuals and communities we’ve long aspired to be, shedding our previous resistance to change?

Into each day
we journey amidst
joys & tears
learning & rest
And into possibility
yet recognised
Laughter’s delight
sows space to revelation reveal
Inspired by ensuring gaiety imbues life’s unfolding …
What has your day been like today?
Were there moments for learning? Rest? Questions?
Perhaps something happened that was challenging? Difficult?
Maybe the unexpected brought you a gift? Blessing?
As we emerge from our slumber, the mysteries of the new day unfold before us, and we are often uncertain about what it holds. Whether we are prepared for meetings and gatherings or caught off guard, it’s an important discipline to make room for laughter. Laughter can disrupt both the anticipated and unforeseen aspects of our day. This practice not only ensures an affirming end to the day but also allows us to glean wisdom from experiences that might otherwise pass us by.

At times we beauty seek
for respite & solace
Sometimes we see turmoil
& places marvelous create
At times we are hands caring
& gentleness in need
Inspired by knowing we need beauty & when to create it …
Beauty, a truly subjective concept, is a universal constant. It acts as a collective haven, a source of renewal, and even a balm for healing. Beauty thrives as an outcome of creative pursuits. Whether driven by a desire to mend what’s broken or compelled by an internal urge to forge something anew, beauty serves as both a destination and a journey.
This intersection frequently revolves around individuals and communities, our aspirations, and needs. The dialogue between those seeking solace and those driven to create is a sacred exchange that often yields marvels, even amid life’s tumultuous twists and turns.

As we resiliently persist
amidst mistakes
we do not fail when
anticipation is unfulfilled
It is Wisdom’s revelation
as each iteration is refined
Inspired by knowing failure only occurs when we stop trying …
A green prophet once wisely declared, “Do or do not; there is no try.” Within this enigmatic teaching lies a truth that addresses our cultural aversion to failure, both in our own self-judgment and in the eyes of others.
I believe this perspective is misguided and detrimental to the soul. Whether we draw inspiration from mystical figures on the silver screen or those who have walked our forests and deserts, it is through our trying that true doing is attained.
The repetitive efforts required in any discipline demand time, dedication, and resilience. The act of “doing” unfolds as we assume the role of Elders to the next generation of learners. This universal cycle ensures that the knowledge we pass on to those we currently guide will grant them the opportunity to build upon hard-earned wisdom, thus ensuring the ongoing revelation of life’s mysteries.

Within mirrored moment
as fear unexpected appears
with cleansing breath drawn
When we exhale
it becomes a teacher wise
as how now to thrive
Inspired by engaging with trepidation’s teachings …
Fear wields undeniable influence, both on us as individuals and collectively. Often, it serves as a appropriate and necessary reaction. In our journeys, we’ve encountered pain and trauma, and fear can emerge as a shield, guarding us from the vulnerabilities that persist alongside.
Fear, in its primal essence, plays the role of an intimate companion. It deeply understands our scars and wounds. By consciously confronting the learned reactions stemming from past afflictions, we open the door to the potential for healing, transforming ourselves into resilient and tenacious beings.

Every creature
winged & gilled
stone & bark
pale & dark
Spark Divine
With tender care
we must one another nurture
to bloom into Blessing each bears
Inspired by the aspiration to reconcile …
The Canadian National Day for Truth & Reconciliation serves as an opportunity for profound reflection upon a difficult aspect of our culture. One in which all strata of society bear responsibility for the erasure of entire communities and their rich cultures. One of the most challenging aspects is the cruel separation of children from their families, subjecting them to unimaginable abuse and all too often leading to their untimely deaths as a result of systemic violence and sexual oppression. It is a day marked by solemnity.
Nonetheless, it also carries hope as a call to action. Within these painful truths, the blessedness of life emerges vividly. We discern, amidst these horrors, a shared, intrinsic beauty inherent in all of Creation. Recognising this truth represents a vital step towards reconciliation. It is by no means an easy journey, yet it holds the promise of unveiling our inherent unity as #WeAreOne, fundamentally beautiful and blessed beings.

From whence we’ve come
a map that traces
future’s possibility
Where we journey
guided by milestones past
is open to course changed
in this moment
Inspired by choosing to steer in a different direction …
Our past and future speaks to us in our present. The lessons we discover from our past actions and choices empower us to envision alternative paths. The key question we each face is whether we actively participate in this dialogue with our history.
Deliberate reflection into our behavioral patterns enables us to discern potential future scenarios. If our deliberations reveal concern with our past behavior, it serves as an open invitation to chart a new course, distinct from our previous trajectories.
Your reflections are most welcome!