Latest Blogs
Musing, Reflecting, Acting
Expansive Christianity
Expansivity Politics and faith are intimately connected. We may like to imagine a story in which that is not the case. In my Canadian context, we display a certain pretension that we have well
An Intimate Conversation
Robyn Stratton-BerkesselThe Positivity Strategist Podcast What an exciting opportunity for me to share with you a recent gift of an intimate conversation with Robyn Stratton-Berkessel, also known as
Appreciative Principles|Simultaneity
This ten-part A Deacon’s Musing series will explore the intersection between the change philosophy known as Appreciative Inquiry and a Christian theological orientation grounded in diversity. I am most grateful to be co-shaping this conversation
#MicroPoetry|April ’17 Verses
Every month I tweet #MicroPoetry! In 140 characters, they are part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I look forward to sharing them with you and hope that they may lead to reflection,
#MicroPoetry|April ’17 Memes
Too often it seems that words and images are placed against one another. The gift of a meme, when hopefully done well, is that the word and the visual serve to complement and enhance
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