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Musing, Reflecting, Acting
Lent|Vignette (Gunn’s Stone)
Time moves slowly. Beneath me a life – once lived – slowly gives itself back so something else will be. Its thoughts and choices, celebrations and regrets, a memory kept by some, lost by others. Here I stand, witness and marker, as time slowly moves from then to now to then again.
Lent|Vignette (A Garden)
Without a community, it is nearly impossible to achieve voice: it takes a village to raise a Rosa Parks. Without a community, it is nearly impossible to exercise the “power of one” in a
Lent|Vignette (An Ant)
Sorry … we haven’t tried to talk to ground-shakers before. Well, that’s what we call you, I think you use the word people? Humans? It’s rather funny to finally be trying this. It’s interesting, as long as we can remember, we never knew what caused all the shaking and why it didn’t regularly. We knew there was a pattern, but it was hard to figure out. We think part of the challenge for us – you call it time – life moves differently.
#MicroPoetry|February ’17 Verses
Every month I tweet #MicroPoetry! In 140 characters, they are part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I look forward to sharing them with you and hope that they may lead to reflection,
#MicroPoetry|February ’17 Memes
Too often it seems that words and images are placed against one another. The gift of a meme, when hopefully done well, is that the word and the visual serve to complement and enhance
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