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Musing, Reflecting, Acting
Steinbach PrideImage: Steinbach Pride There are so many pitfalls and temptations as one endeavours to live into solidarity from a place of privilege. In my case, I benefit greatly from many things,
Rainbow Weeps
I wish I did not feel Called to blog this week … I pray that the narrative of hate did not exist … I find my soul torn asunder knowing that
#MicroPoetry|May ’16 Verses
Every month I tweet #MicroPoetry! In 140 characters, they are part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I look forward to sharing them with you and hope that they may lead to reflection,
The Tragically Hip I loved my time in Kingston, Ontario. I totally enjoyed the experience of my first foray into graduate school in the Classics Department at Queen’s University. The intellectual heights
Relevant is a hard word for the church … I often hear, from those seeking or simply rejecting organised religion, that the church is no longer, if ever it was, relevant in their lives.
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