Vignette|The Story of Then

2024-10-28T11:23:21-06:0021 June 2021|Tags: , , , , , |

This particular Vignette arises as a way to use art – literature – to explore my PhD project with the Taos Institute and Tilburg University (Humanities), which I completed in 2020. Each one of these PhD vignettes uses autoethnography, through the art of story-telling, to better understand my connexion to the project, From Suspicion to Reparation through a Relational Practical Theology: Transforming The United Church of Canada.

So, are you happy?

2023-12-12T14:54:42-06:003 October 2008|Tags: , , , , |

Well? Does the word happy convey you to memories of smiling or are you trying to figure out exactly what that means and, in turn, if it actually means anything in your life? Apparently, if you are a religious person, with all of the nuances that word conveys, you might actually be happy, you might actually be able to process what that means in your life.

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