The Archive2022-12-17T15:06:08-06:00

There are multiple ways to share the A Deacon’s Musing blogs. One way is to organise them based upon such categories as Fiction, Poetry and Visual. Another way is to sort them around Features such as Feather’s Fall, TEDxThe Story of Then or Vignettes, I suspect there is no perfect way to do it. Each hopefully speaks to a particular reader of seeker’s interest or however the muse might be whispering upon each visit. An archive, therefore, feels like an appropriate way to further share these various reflections. I hope, then, that this page proves as one additional way to further engage and create conversation!


The Archive


The Blogs


By |27 October 2017|Categories: A Deacon's Musing|Tags: , , , , , , , |

I am the child of a survivor. When I called my parent to share what I was considering writing about for this week’s musing, I did so with a deep respect and awareness of what a survivor walks with every and each day. I remember the nightmares waking me and the moments of extreme fragility in my growing.


By |7 October 2017|Categories: A Deacon's Musing|Tags: , , , , , |

How do we make sense of this last week? The violence caused by a “Lone Wolf” in Las Vegas and a “Terrorist” in Edmonton once again highlights the growing reality and sense of collective dis-ease. As I pen this musing, in both cases, law enforcement and the media are keenly focused on unearthing the motive, the reasons, the whys to make sense of what simply cannot make sense.

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