There are multiple ways to share the A Deacon’s Musing blogs. One way is to organise them based upon such categories as Fiction, Poetry and Visual. Another way is to sort them around Features such as Feather’s Fall, TEDx, The Story of Then or Vignettes, I suspect there is no perfect way to do it. Each hopefully speaks to a particular reader of seeker’s interest or however the muse might be whispering upon each visit. An archive, therefore, feels like an appropriate way to further share these various reflections. I hope, then, that this page proves as one additional way to further engage and create conversation!
The Blogs
Democracy #1
Democracy is a big topic for a blog, especially when attempting to reflect about it from a faith-based perspective. This musing, therefore, will explore the topic in two parts: A general overview of the current
#MicroPoetry|December ’16 Memes
Too often it seems that words and images are placed against one another. The gift of a meme, when hopefully done well, is that the word and the visual serve to complement and enhance
#MicroPoetry|December ’16 Verses
Every month I tweet #MicroPoetry! In 140 characters, they are part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I look forward to sharing them with you and hope that they may lead to reflection,
There are the images used throughout 2016 for A Deacon's Musing. I hope that the visuals chosen speak to the words used in each blog. Just as importantly, I hope they not only complement
#MicroPoetry|November ’16 Verses
Every month I tweet #MicroPoetry! In 140 characters, they are part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I look forward to sharing them with you and hope that they may lead to reflection,
Advent: Vignette|Shepherd
Advent: It’s time to wait. For whom are we waiting? As Christians, we say that is Jesus! This is a Holy Time in our Christian calendar when we might make space for reflection, silence
White Privilege|The Elephant in the Room
The system of the supremacy of whiteness was created to serve white men who were heterosexual, able bodied, Christian, wealthy landowners, to keep power and control in their hands. If we truly
White Privilege & Lament
The system of the supremacy of whiteness was created to serve white men who were heterosexual, able bodied, Christian, wealthy landowners, to keep power and control in their hands. If we truly want
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Steve says:
Dea. Richard says:
Steve says: