There are multiple ways to share the A Deacon’s Musing blogs. One way is to organise them based upon such categories as Fiction, Poetry and Visual. Another way is to sort them around Features such as Feather’s Fall, TEDx, The Story of Then or Vignettes, I suspect there is no perfect way to do it. Each hopefully speaks to a particular reader of seeker’s interest or however the muse might be whispering upon each visit. An archive, therefore, feels like an appropriate way to further share these various reflections. I hope, then, that this page proves as one additional way to further engage and create conversation!
The Blogs
Be ...Image: Thor We’re always doing. Schedules and phone calls, meeting and gatherings. The constant ebb and flow of a world hard-wired, digitised, centralised and sanitised leaves little time to be. To
TED|Ep. 5
I made a promise to TEDxWinnipeg (previously known as TEDxManitoba) in 2014. I committed to sharing their important work in my faith-based context. I have lived into that pledge by creating another recurring feature for A
Politically Correct
Only the chaste may enterImage: Simon Harrod In my pastoral experience of walking with others – through the traumas and hurts that do occur on life’s journey – words stereotype, pigeon-hole, typecast,
Vignette|Pen & Mirror
Stories … they’re funny things. This A Deacon’s Musing feature will share vignettes of voices that are (often) an amalgamation of experiences, contexts and people. They will frequently be monologues, which will be speaking
Easter Mercy
Mercy It’s funny how we anticipate that rising dawn sun 2000-and-change-years later: an event/time/story/experience that Christians call Easter. This Lent – the season before Easter – has been a difficult, sad and weary making
#MicroPoetry|March ’16 Verses
Every month I tweet #MicroPoetry! In 140 characters, they are part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I look forward to sharing them with you and hope that they may lead to reflection,
#MicroPoetry|Lent ’16 Memes
Too often it seems that words and images are placed against one another. The gift of a meme, when hopefully done well, is that the word and the visual serve to complement and enhance
Lent|40 Verses
Every month I tweet #MicroPoetry! In 140 characters, they are part prayer, thought, reflection, challenge or something in-between. I look forward to sharing them with you and hope that they may lead to reflection,
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Dea. Richard says:
Steve says:
Steve says: