There are multiple ways to share the A Deacon’s Musing blogs. One way is to organise them based upon such categories as Fiction, Poetry and Visual. Another way is to sort them around Features such as Feather’s Fall, TEDx, The Story of Then or Vignettes, I suspect there is no perfect way to do it. Each hopefully speaks to a particular reader of seeker’s interest or however the muse might be whispering upon each visit. An archive, therefore, feels like an appropriate way to further share these various reflections. I hope, then, that this page proves as one additional way to further engage and create conversation!
The Blogs
There are the images used throughout 2010 for A Deacon's Musing. I hope that the visuals chosen speak to the words used in each blog. Just as importantly, I hope they not only complement
Knowing a Prophet!
12 And Amaziah said to Amos, “O seer, go, flee away to the land of Judah, earn your bread there and prophesy there;” Amos 7.12 Global Uranium Extraction
There are the images used throughout 2009 for A Deacon's Musing. I hope that the visuals chosen speak to the words used in each blog. Just as importantly, I hope they not only complement
Advent|Do-ers & Be-ers
Advent: It’s time to wait. For whom are we waiting? As Christians, we say that is Jesus! This is a Holy Time in our Christian calendar when we might make space for reflection, silence
The Divide
9 ‘Is there anyone among you who, if your child asks for bread, will give a stone? Matthew 7.9 Okay, I have a need to offer confession before proceeding!
The Journey
34 ‘Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a
A Proposal
The Gospels and Letters of John were written in the midst of theological debate. One’s place within the community was defined by one’s confession of Jesus as the Messiah. At first, believing
Letting Go
I was recently at a meeting and it was, as has been the case over the last two years, a meeting in which there was a lot of energy. This particular group of men
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Steve says:
Dea. Richard says:
Steve says: